Star Stable: The Summer Rider

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Star Stable: The Summer Rider

The Summer Rider is the fourth and last game of the series Star Stable.

NOTE! This game is separate from Star Stable Online. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded.


Summer Rider

Star Stable: The Summer Rider revolves around Western equestrian with the new additions of Barrel Racing, Reining, Trail, and Pole Bending. Coyote has come back from the West after two decades and wants the player's help preparing for the summer camp being held at the northwestern peninsula of Jorvik. The people on the peninsula are all happy to help and participate with the camp, and needs help from the player. After some time of contemplation, Coyote decides to ask the player if they want to take his place in this games final competition, the Lone Star Rodeo competition.

Introduction in Game and on Game Case


Warm days have finally arrived in Jorvik.

The sun send it warming beams dancing across the ripe fields and blossoming meadows. The summer breeze sweeps in from the sea, soothing man and beast; hard working farmers, lazy dogs, sneaky cats and horses.

School’s out and the seemingly endless summer vacation has just begun. There is no more homework, no more dusty history classes with Mrs. Corkwood, or mind-numbing science experiments with Mr. Flagstaff.

Just day after day of working for Herman who runs Jorvik Stables, riding and caring for the horses. Life simply couldn’t be better.

Then Coyote arrives.

He is Herman’s brother, and he’s decided to come home after two decades out West, where he has been a professional rodeo performer. Now he plans to build a Western style riding park in Jorvik.

And he wants your help!

Soon there is fierce activity on Jorvik’s northwestern peninsula, where farmland and swampland are rapidly being converted into paddocks and trails, and where you and the rest of the crew have a very limited time to learn barrel racing, pole bending, trail riding and show jumping.

It is hard work and you have never had more fun in your life. But something is lurking beneath the surface. Strange rumors and intriguing gossip are spreading among the people on the farms and at Jorvik Ranch.

Is there more to Coyote’s return than just homesickness?

And will you be able to uncover his secret?”


The map of the Star Stable: The Summer Rider. The area which the game is played at is the colored part of the map at the upper end and the rest of the map is colored in grey and is inaccessible.

The part of the map which is playable differs between the four different Star Stable games, with the upper most part being the playable area for Star Stable: The Summer Rider. The playable area is colored whereas the inaccessible are is in grey. On the map there will be different icons, displaying where quests, items and checkpoints are. There are 14 stars the player can collect by visiting specific named places on the map, when visiting a named place, the player is rewarded with 50 XP.


  • Yellow dot - Character with a quest to give
  • Gray dot - Character with a quest that hasn't been completed yet
  • Green dot - Character with a quest for which the conditions are fulfilled
  • Blue dot - Character with a repeatable quest
  • Orange dot - Quest item
  • Red dot - Quest item related to the quest currently selected in the quest log
  • White dot - Checkpoint
  • Purple dot - Save points


The stars numbered from left to right according to the place they represent:

  1. Coyote Ranch
  2. Snake Bite Farm
  3. Snake Bite Lodge
  4. Native American Camp
  5. Ghost House
  6. Cod Point Stables
  7. Castle Bay Riding House
  8. Bayslope Village
  9. Castle Herman
  10. The Old Swamp
  11. Castle Bay Paddock
  12. Cod Point Paddock
  13. Coyote Ranch Paddock
  14. Snake Bite Paddock

Character Sheets

The Player's Character Sheet

On the interface of the bottom part of the monitor, an icon with a human upper body gives the player access to their Character Sheet. There's a summary on the Character Sheet on the player level, Experience Points (XP), Stable Points (SP), Skill Points, Skills, and the currently equipped equipment. XP is rewarded by completing quests and races and is used to level up the player, and at each level-up, the player is rewarded with Skill Points. SP can only be earned by completing chores at the three different stables, which all rewards a different amount. SP can then be used to buy equipment, horse feed, and new horses. To equip new equipment, dragging or clicking the new on top of the old will replace the equipped equipment.

The player has the ability to increase four different skills with Skill Points, which are displayed at the Character Sheet. Each skill can be increased to a maximum of 100 points and the player has all in all been rewarded 240 Skill Points after reaching level 11. The skills are: Jumping, Riding, Command, and Caring. Jumping increases the horses ability at clearing obstacles. Riding increases how fast and how long the horse can run. Command increases the speed of changing the horse's gait. Caring makes the player faster at taking care of the horse. The Skill Points rewarded at ...

  • level 2: 40 Skill Points.
  • level 3 - 6: 30 Skill Points.
  • level 7 - 9: 20 Skill Points.
  • level 10 - 11: 10 Skill Points.

Horse Character Sheet

Next to the player Character Sheet, the Horse Character Sheet can be found with an icon of a horse head. The Horse Character Sheet will display the level the player needs to be at when purchasing the horse, the horse's name, current equipment, and the four different attributes. Equipment is replaced in the same manner as the player's equipment is, by dragging or clicking the new on top of the old.

The four different attributes of a horse is: Strength, Endurance, Speed, and Discipline. Strength determines how high the horse can jump. Endurance determines how long the horse can maintain high speeds. Speed determines how fast the horse can run. Discipline determines how quickly the horse changes gait. The start value is indicated in green at the attribute bars, and can be increased to the maximum of the orange bar and can never be increased above.

NPC Characters, Quests & Races


Alex has agreed to hold the Hillbilly Hilltop Hop race for Coyote's camp.

Race XP Endurance
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop 125 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Bronze 150 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Silver 200 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Gold 250 Increases
Hillbilly Hilltop Hop Training Increases


Angie has agreed to procure and prepare six wagon wheels for Kate. She can be found in Bayslope Village.

Quest XP
Six-Wheeled Wagon 150


Anne has the task of teaching Show Jumping at Snake Bite Paddock.

Race XP Discipline
Snake Bite Show Jumping 100 Increases
Snake Bite Show Jumping Bronze 125 None
Snake Bite Show Jumping Silver 150 Increases
Snake Bite Show Jumping Gold 200 Increases
Snake Bite Show Jumping Training Increases


Buck can be found in the forest between the Snake Bite Lodge and the Native American Camp where he has prepared the tent poles Emma Twitchita requested.

Quest XP
Gather Tentpoles and Deliver to Emma 50


Coyote has returned West after two decades to help Herman and hold his very own summer camp with an American theme. He introduces the player to the game and needs help with the supervising of the camp preparations. As the player reaches level 11, enough trust has been built for Coyote to ask the player if they wish to participate in the Lone Star Rodeo competition as he is unable to participate due to an injury.

Quest XP
Cowgirlification 25
Spick and Span 25
Old Faithful 25
Check Notice Board None
Meeting Linda 25
The Lost Skulls 50
Skulls on the Walls 75
Delivery 50
I have a Plan 25
Ghost Delivery 75
The Building Permit 500
Blowing in the Wind 350
Like the Wind 550
In Coyote’s Shoes None
Go Home to Jorvik None
Return to Lone Star Canyon None
Race XP Speed
Coyote Ranch Race 75 Increases
Coyote Ranch Race Bronze 100 Increases
Coyote Ranch Race Silver 125 Increases
Coyote Ranch Race Gold 150 Increases
Coyote Ranch Race Training Increases
Lone Star Barrel Race None None
Lone Star Reining None None
Lone Star Canyon Race None None

Emma Twitchita

Emma Twitchita is helping Tomahawk Tom to build a teepee. She is residing at the Snake Bite Lodge and needs help collecting the materials she has requested from Buck and Lena Williamson.

Quest XP
Tent Pole Trail 50
String It Up 100
Teepee Delivery 150


Herman has come to Castle Herman to take care of the issues with Mr. Sands but needs help with providing the building permit in time.

Quest XP
Chasing Sands 250
Keep Pushing 250


Jessica can be found at the Castle Bay Paddock where she is responsible of the Castle Pole Bending.

Race XP Discipline Speed
Castle Pole Bending 250 Increases Increases
Castle Pole Bending Bronze 350 None Increases
Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Silver Event 500 None Increases
Compete in the Castle Pole Bending Gold Event 650 None Increases
Castle Pole Bending Training 450 None Increases


Kate can be found at the Castle Bay Riding House where she needs some help decorating the house according to the American theme Coyote wishes to have. She is also responsible for the Castle Bay Pole Bending training.

Quest XP
Anybody Rolling? 100
Stitching Stars 100
Riding House Wheelie 250
Rising Stars 250
Race XP Discipline
Castle Bay Pole Bending 200 Increases
Castle Bay Riding Pole Bending Bronze 275 Increases
Castle Bay Pole Bending Silver 350 Increases
Castle Bay Pole Bending Gold 450 Increases
Castle Bay Pole Bending Training None


Kevin has promised to produce a ghost sonata to Mr. Wetton. He can be found at Castle Bay Riding House producing music.

Quest XP
Power Up 250
The Ghost Sonata Uncovered 175


Kyomi has taken a break from the show biz world to be a stable warden of the Cod Point Stables.

Quest XP
Bringing Perfection to the Paddock 150
The Broken Totem Pole 150
Totem Pole Mending 275
Cod Point Chores! None

Lena Williamson

Lena Williamson is the stable warden of the Snake Bite Farm.

Quest XP
Gather String and Deliver 125
Wanted! 75


Linda has gotten the task to build and hold the Coyote Barrel Race at the Coyote Ranch Paddock.

Quest XP
Barrels from the Woods 25
We Need a Plan 50
Lock, Stock and Barrels 50
Race XP Strength
Coyote Barrel Racing 50 Increases
Coyote Bronze Barrel Race 75 Increases
Coyote Silver Barrel Race 100 Increases
Coyote Gold Barrel Race 125 Increases
Coyote Barrel Race Training Increases


Lisa can be found at The Old Swamp where she has a new track going around the swamp.

Race XP Strength Endurance
Castle Swamp Race 400 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Bronze 600 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Silver 800 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Gold 1000 Increases Increases
Castle Swamp Race Training Increases Increases

Mr. Sands

Mr. Sands wishes to destroy the castle Herman has built on an island near The Old Swamp. As he hurried back, he got stuck in the swamp where the player needs to give Mr. Sands the building permit that was lost.

Quest XP
Castle Made of Sand 125

Mr. Wetton

Mr. Wetton has promised to take over an old house in the woods and turn it into a ghost house.

Quest XP
Ghost Gear Delivered? 250
Whispering Ghosts 75
Ghost Illumination 175
The Ghost Sonata 325


Pierre teaches the player reining at the Cod Point Paddock.

Quest XP
Perfection on a Stick 150
Precious Perfect Paddock 250
Race XP Discipline
Cod Point Reining 175 Increases
Cod Point Reining Bronze 225 Increases
Cod Point Reining Silver 275 Increases
Cod Point Reining Gold 350 Increases
Cod Point Reining Training Increases

Tomahawk Tom

Tomahawk Tom has come back to Jorvik together with Coyote from the West to help Coyote with the summer camp he is preparing.

Quest XP
Getting a Raise 175
No Smoke Without Fire 50


Wilma is a seamstress that can be found in Bayslope Village.

Quest XP
Star Struck 100


Coyote Ranch

Coyote Ranch is the starting place where the player is first introduced to the game through Coyote. The ranch has a stable, paddock and small settlement with two houses and a shop. Coyote can be found at the stables, at first teaching the player how to ride and care for horses. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

The Coyote Ranch Paddock is right below the stables and is where Linda can be found. Linda and Coyote wants to put together a Barrel Race but they need some help before the track is ready for the player.

Coyote Ranch is divided into a stables and the small settlement with some fields connecting the two. At the small settlement, west from the stables is a shop with feed and different types of equipment available, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Coyote Ranch can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Coyote Ranch:

  • Coyote - Stable warden of Coyote Ranch.
  • Linda - Riding Instructor.

Snake Bite Farm

Snake Bite Farm has a paddock and lodge nearby with a stable and shop. At the stables can Lena Williamson be found as the stable manager. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

The Snake Bite Paddocks is where Anne can be found ready to teach the player Show Jumping. The paddocks can be found on top of a hill north of the farm. Next to the paddocks on another hilltop east is the Snake Bite Lodge. This is where Emma Twitchita resides.

At Snake Bite Farm is where the shop is located. It can be found at the eastern entrance with feed and different types of equipment available, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Snake Bite Farm can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Snake Bite Farm:

  • Anne - Riding Instructor.
  • Emma Twitchita - Villager.
  • Lena Williamson - Stable warden of Snake Bite Farm.

Bayslope Village

Bayslope Village has four houses and a shop placed in a half-circle along a large tree. The village have two villagers, Angie and Wilma, who appear in a quest by Kate at the Castle Bay Riding House. The shop is in its own building at the southern entrance. There are both feed and different types of equipment available at the shop, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Bayslope Village can be found at their page, listing the shop items available for purchase.

NPC:s at Bayslope:

  • Angie - Villager.
  • Wilma - Seamstress.

Cod Point

Cod Point Stable can be found at the northern-most island of the map available in the Summer Rider with a paddock on the mainland next to the bridge leading to the stable. Cod Point Paddock is where Pierre can be found who offers training in reining. However, before the race is available, Pierre requires the paddock be tidied up perfectly.

The stable manager of Cod Point is Kyomi, who has decided to take a small break from the show-biz life. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens. More information of Cod Point Stables can be found at their page, listing the horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Cod Point:

  • Kyomi - Stable warden of Cod Point Stables
  • Pierre - Riding Instructor.

The Jorvik Games
Starshine Legacy: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Star Academy: Audition!Showtime!Breakthrough!Starstruck!
Star Stable: The Autumn RiderThe Winter RiderThe Spring RiderThe Summer Rider
MMORPG: Star Stable Online