Snake Bite Paddock

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Snake Bite Paddock in The Summer Rider.

The Snake Bite Paddock is a bit lower down on the same hill as Snake Bite Lodge near Snake Bite Farm in Star Stable: The Summer Rider. Here, Anne can be found with her 'Snake Bit Show Jumping'.


  • Anne - Riding Instructor.


Snake Bite Paddock is on the west part of the Jorvik map in The Summer Rider together with the Snake Bite Farm and Lodge. North of the paddock is where the Native American Camp can be found. At the paddock is a save-point with the water trough along the paddock fence with Anne standing next to it. There are five jumping obstacles in the paddock, along with some hay-bales used as decoration. On the east side outside the paddock are two, large and tall boulders and the vegetation around consists of different leafy-trees and shrubbery.