Star Academy: Audition!

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This page is mostly translated from its Swedish counterpart. There is a possibility that names, places and actions might be mentioned by incorrect terms. If you find anything wrong, please correct it or contact an Admin!


!NOTE! This game is separate from Star Stable Online. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded.

Star Academy: Audition! is the first game in the Star Academy series, released 2006.

The game's theme song, as well as the song performed in-game, is called Forever.

The player can chose to play as Lisa, Kyomi or Brittany. No matter who you chose the storyline will be exactly the same, the girls will just switch roles.

  • If the player plays as Lisa, Kyomi will help with the dance and Brittany will help with the singing.
  • If the player plays as Kyomi, Brittany will help with the dance and Lisa will help with the singing.
  • If the player plays as Brittany, Kyomi will help with the dance and Lisa will help with the singing.

Game summary

The player arrives at Star Academy after receiving a letter from headmaster Maurice Bergen, an invitation to the auditon for autumns classes at the school. When the player has reported their presence at the groundskeeper Mr. Grimp's, they must take a dance class with Miss Rita and a singing class with Mrs. Graham. After completing the two classes, the auditioning students gather in the school auditorium, where the player realizes that you need a CD with music for their first audition. The students all get redirected to the musical genius Kevin, who help the player record music for a song.

After completing the first audition, the player has to find out when the next performance is, after lunch break. Lance, a boy who is also auditioning, offers to check the time and text the player, so that they may leave the school for a few hours with some friends. Thus, the player goes with one of the other auditioning girls to the mall. After spending some time in different stores the player returns to school, to practice both their dance and song. It turns out that Lance sent the wrong time for the audition on purpose - and all the teachers have left the school. Other students urge the player to go to the ice cream bar Leonardo, where both teachers and students often spend their free-time. The player succeeds in persuading the teachers to watch them perform at Leonardo's stage, and the teachers then invite the player for a new audition the next day, though none of them acknowledges Lance's part in the missed audition.

The player returns to school the next morning, but it turns out that someone has stolen the schools expensive sound system, as well as one of Kevin's very important hard drives. With the help of the dog Disco, the player finds Kevin's hard drive. Quickly afterwards, it's called out in the speakers that Lance and Lilith have "found" the sound system and have returned them to the teachers. The player remains suspicious, but has no evidence to prove that something foul was going on.

Back-cover Blurb

(Original Swedish version)

Det är dags för Star Academys intagningsprov! Hundratals hoppfulla unga tjejer och killar har längtat efter detta ögonblick - längtat efter att få sina drömmar uppfyllda. Tre unga tjejer, Lisa, Kyomi och Brittany, hoppas innerligt att de har vad som krävs för att komma in på den anrika skolan.

Välj vem av Lisa, Kyomi och Brittany du vill vara. Under spelets gång utsätts du för tuffa prövningar i form av svåra sångövningar, svettiga dansrepetitioner och nervpirrande uppträdanden. Har du mod nog att klara av motgångarna, och kommer dina vänner att hjälpa dig på vägen? Har du vad som krävs för att lyckas?

(Translated version)

It's time for Star Academy's entrance exam! Hundreds of hopeful young girls and boys have longed for this moment - longed to have their dreams fulfilled. Three young girls, Lisa, Kyomi and Brittany, sincerely hope they have what it takes to get accepted into the acclaimed school.

Choose which of Lisa, Kyomi and Brittany you want to be. During the course of the game, you are subjected to tough trials in the form of difficult singing exercises, sweaty dance rehearsals and nerve-wracking performances. Do you have the courage to face the odds, and will your friends help you along the way? Do you have what it takes to succeed?


  • This is the only game in the series where there are no two-key combinations in the dance parts.
  • This is also the only game in the series where you don't have to earn money to buy clothes. All are instead available for free.

The Jorvik Games
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MMORPG: Star Stable Online