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Kyomi is one of the main characters of the Star Academy series. In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, she is the stable warden of Cod point stables. She has not yet appeared in Star Stable Online.

Star Academy






Facial Expression Concept Art for Kyomi, Britney, Lisa and Kevin

Star Stable


An icon with a woman on it. She has brown locs and green eyes.
The icon Kyomi uses in Star Stable: The Summer Rider.

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Kyomi has the same hairstyle as in the earlier games, however, her clothing is a bit different. She has a black t-shirt with long black jeans that have red and yellow details at the knees. She also has black boots and wears two gold bracelets on each arm.

Star Stable: The Summer Rider

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, Kyomi explains she has decided to take a short beak from show biz and help Coyote with his camp after hearing Mr. Wetton talking about it. However, she has a some problems assembling the totem pole she ordered and asks for help. She also explains she was not ready for stable work to be so hard and dirty, and offers the highest pay for stable chores in The Summer Rider. Later, when Pierre, the riding instructor at Cod Point Paddock, asks for a broom to lend, she offers a broom with a rustic touch she believes Pierre will love.

Quest XP
Bringing Perfection to the Paddock 150
The Broken Totem Pole 150
Totem Pole Mending 275
Cod Point Chores! None


  • Kevin and Lisa are her best friends.
  • A picture of her and Lisa from the 2nd Star Academy game can be spotted underneath Lisa's desk in a box.