Coyote Ranch Race

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Coyote introduces the player to riding with Coyote Ranch Race with the opportunity to earn bows and a buckle instead of medals as in previous installations. The race can be done in Star Stable: The Summer Rider.


Coyote Ranch Race


‎OK, one more test! This is a little trail that I’ve made that runs around the ranch. I’ve got a time in mind, and I want you to beat it. Show me what you can do!


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‎You need to complete the Coyote Ranch Race. Let Coyote know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎Well done! You beat the time I set for you, and then some. And on old faithful. I actually didn’t think he had it in him, but for sure got his best… I think I want you to train all of my horses. As you get more experience with the western riding I teach at the camp, I’ll make sure that the stables around the camp lend you their horses for training. This race is great for speed training.

Coyote Ranch Race Bronze


‎I know you guys work a lot with medals and stuff like that at the riding camps in Jorvik. I want my camp to stand out. That’s why we’re doing things a bit differently. We’re still doing the bronze, silver, and gold tiers, but we don’t do medals. We do buckles and ribbons.


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‎You need to beat the Bronze time for the Coyote Ranch Race Bronze. Let Coyote know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎Here it is! All yours. Looks good, doesn’t it?

Coyote Ranch Race Silver


‎Racing for the silver already? Off you go! You should know the trail by now.


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‎You need to beat the Silver time for the Coyote Ranch Race Silver. Let Coyote know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎Well done! Here’s another one for the collection!

Coyote Ranch Race Gold


‎Going for gold? Gives you kind of an adrenaline rush, doesn’t it? Or gold rush perhaps! Ha ha! Like in Klondike back in the good old days when cowboys were still cowboys …


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‎You need to beat the Gold time for the Coyote Ranch Race Gold. Let Coyote know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎You’re one of a kind. I’m proud to see how quickly you’re developing. Here’s your precious gold!

Coyote Ranch Race Training


‎If you want to get some more training for your horse now that you have gotten all the prizes, please feel free to take a run around the trail. In order for the exercise to do your horse some good you need to beat the time I’ve set for you. Good luck!


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‎You need to beat the training time for the Coyote Ranch Race Training. Let Coyote know when you’re done!

Finished Race:

‎Well done! If you feel that the horse needs more training, just take another shot at the trail. It’ll do you good!

The Rewards & Time-limits

Race XP Speed Time-limit
Coyote Ranch Race 75 Increases 5:00:00
Coyote Ranch Race Bronze.png Coyote Ranch Race Bronze 100 Increases 3:35:00
Coyote Ranch Race Silver.png Coyote Ranch Race Silver 125 Increases 3:00:00
Coyote Ranch Race Gold.png Coyote Ranch Race Gold 150 Increases 2:35:00
Coyote Ranch Race Training Increases 3:15:00