Cod Point Paddock

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Cod Point Paddocks in The Summer Rider.

In Star Stable: The Summer Rider, the Cod Point Paddock is on the main land before the Cod Point Stables. Here, Pierre can be found with his 'Cod Point Reining'.


  • Pierre - Riding Instructor.


The paddock at Cod Point is the most northern paddock found in the Jorvik map in The Summer Rider. The main road to Cod Point Stables is elevated above the paddocks, with the road to the paddocks coming from the bridge to the island. South-west of the paddock is where the Ghost House with Mr. Wetton can be found, but going along the east coastline south leads to Bayslope Village instead. The paddock have evergreen-trees and shrubbery around it and a save-point on the road to the stables. As the main sport practices at the paddocks is reining, the paddock is empty save for some hay-bales used as decoration.