Star Stable: The Spring Rider

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Star Stable: The Spring Rider

Star Stable: The Spring Rider is the third part out of 4 episodes of the single player game Star Stable.

Star Stable contains:

!NOTE! This game is separate from Star Stable Online. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded.


Spring Rider

Star Stable: The Spring Rider takes place in the Jorvik Bay during spring and its main equestrian orientation is dressage. During the quests you are learning more of dressage and improve your horse riding. You also help different characters. You’re preparing yourself for prestige dressage competition in Rodilla Riding School and to be chosen as riding instructor for the spring horse camp.

Introduction on the Game Keep Case


Winter has finally been ushered out. The snow has melted into little streamlets flowing down from the mountains into the bay, and the first flowers have started to turn their petals to the sun.

In the mountain village of Rockville, near Jorvik Bay, there has been a major change. The stables have gotten a new owner - a woman named Jordan Jet. Rumor has it that she has a background in PR and marketing at a multinational company, and has big plans.

There's been a lot of whispering going on in the homes of Rockville, and also in the nearby villages of Beauvista and Bayridge. The stable owners of those two towns seem nervous that the rumored expansion in Rockville might put them out of business.

Some think that the change will be fantastic, but some think it's the end of the Bay as they know it.

You've been a regular at the Rockville Stables since you were a kid, and it is with a lot of butterflies in your stomach that you head down to the Stables to meet the owner. You hope she'll even tell you what she's planning!

What will the future hold in store?

Well that's up to you to explore!"

Opening of the Game


The winter has finally gone away. The snow has melted into little streams flowing down from the mountains into the bay. And the first flowers have started to turn their petals to the sun.

In the little village of Rockville in the mountains near Jorvik Bay there has been a major chance. The stables have gotten a new owner, a woman named Jordan Jet! Rumor has it that she is planning major changes – some say she has a background in marketing and PR at multinational company.

There has been many whispering among the houses in Rockville, as well in the nearby villages of Beauvista and Bayridge, where the respective stable owners seem nervous that the rumored expansion in Rockville might put them out of business.

Some think that the change is fantastic. Some think that it is the end of the Bay as they know it.

Since you were a kid, you’ve been a regular at the Rockville Stables and it is with a lot of butterflies in your stomach that you head down to the Stables to see who the new owner is. Perhaps she might even tell you something about what she is planning!

What will the future hold in store?

Well, now that is up to you to explore!


The map of the Star Stable: The Spring Rider. The colored part of the map is the accessible game, and the grey parts are inaccessible, except for the Rodilla Riding School and the Industrial Towers.

Map of the Star Stable games are always the same, but the accessible area is different for each of the 4 games. Map contains different colored icons which represents different quests or races and 14 stars which stands for different places you can explore. If you come to each named place (village, stable, paddock, etc.) you will receive a star.


  • Yellow dot – Character with a quest to give.
  • Grey dot – Character with a quest that hasn’t been completed yet.
  • Green dot – Character with a quest for which the conditions are fulfilled.
  • Blue dot – Character with a repeatable quest.
  • Orange dot – Quest items
  • Red dot – Quest items related to the quest currently selected in the quest log.
  • White dot – Check points during races
  • Purple dot – Save points where you can save your game.


The stars numbered from left to right according to the place they represent:

  1. Beauvista Paddock
  2. Shoreline Paddock
  3. Sunnyvale Arena
  4. Rockville Stables
  5. Rockville Paddock
  6. Bayridge Shore
  7. Bayridge Stables
  8. Beauvista Stables
  9. Bayridge Village
  10. Beauvista Village
  11. Rockville Village
  12. The Mountain Cottage
  13. Industrial Towers
  14. Rodilla Riding School

Character Sheets

The Player's Character Sheet

The player's Character Sheet is available by clicking on the icon with the upper part of a human body on the left on the icon of a horse's head on the interface on the lower part of the monitor. The Character Sheet displays the current level of the player (with the highest being level 11), the player equipment, player skills, as well as the amount of Experience Points (XP), Stable Points (SP), and Skill Points. To increase the player level, XP is needed which is earned through completing quests and competitions held by NPCs around the bay. The currency of the game is SP, which can be earned by doing Stable Chores at the three different stables: Rockville Stables, Bayridge Stables, and Beauvista Stables.

Each stable rewards different amounts of SP from each other. SP can then be used to purchase equipment for the player and horse from the three different shops at each village, and is also used to buy new horses. There is one quest in Star Stable: The Spring Rider which rewards the player with SP, which is the quest held by Mallard at Beauvista Village Shop, "Bang For the Buck". New equipment can be put on by dragging the new equipment on top of the old on the Character Sheet. When the player levels up, they're rewarded with Skill Points. Skill Points are used to increase one of the four skills displayed on the Character Sheet, which are: Jumping, Riding, Command, and Caring. Each skill can be maxed out with 100 Skill Points. Jumping will make the player better at clearing obstacles and Riding makes the horse both quicker and for a longer time. Command will help the player quicker change the horse's gait. Lastly, Caring makes the player quicker at caring for their horse. Each level rewards with a different amount of Skill Points, with 240 Skill Points being the total.

  • level 2: 40 Skill Points.
  • level 3 - 6: 30 Skill Points.
  • level 7 - 9: 20 Skill Points.
  • level 10 - 11: 10 Skill Points.

Horse Character Sheet

On the right of the player's Character Sheet, there is an icon with a horse's head which will open the Horse Character Sheet. This sheet will display the level the player needs to be at to be able to purchase said horse, the horse's equipment can be accessed, and the horse's abilities are shown. Each horse has four different attributes have a start value at purchase which will be in green, and the possible total value is colored in orange. The attribute start and final value depends on the horse breed. New equipment can be put on the horse through dragging the new equipment on top of the old.

The four attributes each horse has is Strength, Endurance, Speed and Discipline. In Star Stable: The Spring Rider, Strength determines how high the horse is able to jump. The Speed determines how fast the horse can run and Endurance determines how long they can maintain a specific speed. Discipline works together with the player skill Command, as discipline determines how quick the horse can change gait.

NPC Characters, Quests & Races

There are several characters you can interact with. They give you quests of you can compete in their races. There are four races which cannot be completed on the CD version, which are Lindas silver, gold and training race as well as Sabinas training track. These rewards are described as "Unknown" for now.

You can compete in any race you want multiple times. For the first time you just try the race. For the 2nd try you get Bronze medal, for 3rd time you get Silver medal, for 4th time you get Gold medal if you beat the time and get enough points for dressage.

The final competition is called Rodilla Dressage. You must compete first in Qualifier to get to Finals and if you pass the finals you get a trophy.

Alena Nano

Alena Nano is a vet living in Bayridge Village.

Quests: She sends you to meet Bella Oak and talk about the oil that probably leaks into the Bay. She also cleans the swans from oil.

Quest XP SP
Leaking In the Bay? 100
Birds Are Clean 250


Alex runs a Horse Slalom race on the beach on the Bayridge Shore.

Quests: You help her clean the shore from broken glass. She also sends you to speak with Ronnie Bob Summers and offer him to try the Beach Slalom with his new mare

Quest XP SP
Clean My Beach Up 125
A Little Hello 100
Races XP SP Strength Speed
Beach Slalom 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Silver Medal 50 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Gold Medal 75 Increases Increases
Beach Slalom Training Increases Increases


Anne is a professional dressage rider that competes in international dressage tour. She was offered a job by Jordan to take care of Sunnyvale arena which will be used for the camp.

Quests: She asks you to help with decorating the Arena

Final competition: Anne offers you to travel to Rodilla Riding School to compete in dressage competition. You must pass the Rodilla Dressage Qualifier to get to the Finals and be able to win.

Quest XP SP
Decoration Nation! 350
Dressing the Arena 900
Spanish Challenge! 550
Going Home
Back in the Saddle
Races XP SP Discipline
Sunnyvale Dressage Challenge 750 Increases
Sunnyvale Dressage Challenge Bronze Medal 1000 Increases
Sunnyvale Dressage Challenge Silver Medal 1250 Increases
Sunnyvale Dressage Challenge Gold Medal 1500 Increases
Sunnyvale Dressage Challenge Training Increases
Rodilla Dressage Qualifier 1000 Increases
Rodilla Dressage Finals! 2000 Increases


Beate is a kind old lady living in the Mountain cottage. She makes excellent chocolate.

Quests: She asks you to look for Jasper because he left some time ago.

Quest XP SP
Where Did He Go? 400

Bella Oak

Bella Oak is an environmentalist from Bayridge village.

Quests: She ask you to collect swans that were hit by the oil leak and bring them to Alena, she sends you to check the Industrial towers and then ask Willy Watts, the local plumber to help you repair it. She also ask you to help with clearing the oil in the water.

Quest XP SP
Black Swans 150
Oil On the Water 100
Filters Anyone? 100
Stop the Leakage! 250
Clearing Up 250


Buck is a kid from Beauvista Village that is trying to practice hockey on the beach

Quests: He asks you to find him three branches, build a goal and find him some apples that he could use instead of a puck. He also wants you to ask Kevin in the Beauvista village if he can come to practice hockey with him.

Quest XP SP
Branches for Buck 250
Building a Goal to Your … 250
Apples for Pucks 250
A Goalie? Holy Guacamole! 250

Jasper Jet

Jasper Jet is Jordan’s son who went to visit old lady Beate to the Mountain cottage.

Quests: He asks you to tell Jordan he will come back soon.

Quest XP SP
I’m Coming Home 450


Jenny is a girl living in Rockville.

Quests: You deliver a message from her to Manny

Quest XP SP
Quick Catch! 50

Johnny Black

Johnny Black is one of the dressage instructors that came to the Bay with Jordan Jet. He is responsible for Rockville Dressage which takes place at Rockville Paddock.

Quests: Johnny sends you to Lisa, the dressage instructor.

Quest XP SP
Moving Up? 50
Races XP SP Discipline
Rockville Dressage 75 Increases
Rockville Dressage Bronze Medal 100 Increases
Rockville Dressage Silver Medal 125 Increases
Rockville Dressage Gold Medal 175 Increases
Rockville Dressage Training Increases

Jordan Jet

Jordan Jet is the new owner of the Rockville stables. She wants to turn the Bay into one of the best-known equestrian places in the world. Jordan wants to start running horse camps. She put together a racing track around Rockville that train horses speed and endurance called Rocky Racing.

Quests: She gives you new bucket and brush, rate your riding skills, show you the notice board where you can check for chores to earn some money, send you to meet dressage instructor Johnny Black, send you to meet Manny and check out his shop in Rockville. She also ask you to look for her son Jasper who went to visit Beate, the old lady living in the mountain cottage.

Quest XP SP
A New Regime 40
Show Me What You’ve Got 40
Working For the Man 50
Back to Black 75
Shop Till You Drop 50
Where is Little Jasper? 250
Races XP SP Speed Endurance
Rocky Racing 100 Increases Increases
Rocky Racing Bronze Medal 125 Increases Increases
Rocky Racing Silver Medal 300 Increases Increases
Rocky Racing Gold Medal 200 Increases Increases
Rocky Racing Training Increases Increases


Kevin is a kid living in Beauvista Village. He creates coloring

Quests: He asks you to get Blue Clay from the beach in a bay, yellow salt which can be found down on the beach and red bark from certain trees. After he creates coloring, he sends it to Mallard. He gives you half of the money he got for coloring.

Quest XP SP
Blue Clay Bay 300
Yellow Salt 500
Red Bark 500
A Colorful Bag 500


Linda is a dressage instructor is Beauvista Paddock.

Quests: The Paddock is destroyed by mice, so she asks for help to lend a spade from Mallard, the Beauvista shop owner. After you bring a spade from Lorna Thorne, you help her fill the holed in paddock. She also sends you to speak with Anne, a talented dressage rider.

Quest XP SP
A Kingdom for a Spade 300
Filling In the Blanks 500
Moving On Up 250
Races XP SP Discipline
Beauvista Dressage 250 Increases
Beauvista Dressage Bronze Medal 325 Increases
Beauvista Dressage Silver Medal Unknown Unknown Unknown
Beauvista Dressage Gold Medal Unknown Unknown Unknown
Beauvista Dressage Training Unknown Unknown Unknown


Lisa was hired by Jordan to run the Shoreline Paddock where you can compete in dressage.

Quests: She sends you to meet Alex, another hire, on the Bayridge shore beach.

Quest XP SP
Zigzag 50
Races XP SP Discipline
Shoreline Dressage 100 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Bronze Medal 125 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Silver Medal 175 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Gold Medal 225 Increases
Shoreline Dressage Training Increases

Lorna Thorne

Lorna Thorne owns stables in Beauvista. She was asked by Jordan Jet if she wants to rent the paddock and stables out to her for the riding camp she is planning.

Quests: She shows you notice board where you can check for chores to earn some money and help her keep the stables in perfect condition in case of inspection by Jordan. She also sends you to find an old spade which she can lend to Linda at the Paddock.

Quest XP SP
Read it and Wipe! 150
Rusty Spade 400
A Spade for You 300


Mallard is a shop owner in Beauvista village.

Quests: He sends you to Lorna because he doesn’t have any spade to lend to Linda. He also asks you to talk with Kevin if he could make some coloring for the flags to decorate Sunnyvale arena and then sends you to Anne with ready flags. He gives money to Kevin for coloring.

Quest XP SP
Spade Invader 300
Gray Flags No Good 500
Bang For the Buck 500 940
Flags Full of Color 450


Manny is the shop owner in Rockville. You can buy some equipment and clothing in his shop.

Quests: You help him decorate his shop with flowers and put a note on a board that he is looking for someone to spend spring with.

Quest XP SP
Flower Shop 75
Posting a Notice 50

Ronnie Bob Summers

Ronnie Bob Summers is the owner of Bayridge Stables. She is skeptical about Jordan Jet and is afraid she is trying to turn the Bay into a tourist attraction.

Quests: She shows you notice board where you can check for chores to earn some money, She also asks you to bring freshly baked buns to Lorna at Beauvista stables and sends you with hot coffee to the Bella. She asks you to take baby Joseph to Beate who lives in the mountain cottage.

Quest XP SP
Read It and Smile! 125
Buns In the Oven 75
Hot Coffee for Hard Workers 75
Baby, baby! 500


Sabine is a girl running a racetrack near Beauvista Stables. She is mean and think she is better than anyone else.

Races XP SP Strength Endurance
Beauvista Race 200 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Bronze Medal 250 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Silver Medal 300 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Gold Medal 350 Increases Increases
Beauvista Race Training Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Willy Watts

Willy Watts is a plumber living in Bayridge Village.

Quests: He gives you some equipment that can help to stop the leakage.

Quest XP SP
Coming Right Up! 100



Rockville Stable is the stable that the player is first introduced to when starting a new game. There Jordan Jet will guide the player through the basics of the game, with an introduction of how to take care of the horses and how to ride. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

The Rockville Paddocks is bit further away from the stables, found north next to Rockville Village. Here, Johnny Black has been hired as a riding instructor for the camp Jordan Jet is planning. Johnny Black introduces the player to the new equestrian sport in the game, dressage.

The Stables can be found at Rockville Village, which has a shop with Manny as its shopkeeper. There are both feed and different types of equipment available at the shop, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Rockville Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Rockville:

  • Jasper Jet - Villager.
  • Jenny - Villager.
  • Johnny Black - Riding Instructor.
  • Jordan Jet - Stable warden of Rockville Stables.
  • Manny - Shopkeeper.


Bayridge is the area in the south-east of the available map with a stable, village and shore. It can be found next to the sea with a tiered terrain around the village and stable. The stable is managed by Ronnie Bob Summers, who introduces the player to Lorna Thorne in Beauvista. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

The Bayridge Shore is close to the stables and village, but on the other side of a cliff in the north direction. Here, Anne has prepared a beach slalom course but wants some help preparing the beach first.

Bayridge Village can be found on top of the stables with a shop at the town square. There are both feed and different types of equipment available at the shop, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Bayridge Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Bayridge:

  • Alena Nano - Veterinarian.
  • Alex - Riding Instructor.
  • Bella Oak - Environmentalist.
  • Joseph Summers - Infant son of Ronnie.
  • Ronnie Bob Summers - Stable warden of Bayridge Stables.
  • Willy Watts - Plumber.


Beuvista consists of a village, stable and paddock and is the most northern settlement in The Spring Rider. The village and stables are found directly next to each other, going from the sea in the west upwards on a hill with the stables found at the highest point. The Paddocks are bit further bit south from the village along the road to Bayridge and is where Linda has a dressage track for the summer camp Jordan Jet is preparing.

The stable is managed by Lorna Thorne, who is introduced by Ronnie Bob Summers. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

Beauvista Village has a shop with both feed and different types of equipment available, which can be purchased with SP. The shop has Mallard taking care of it. More information of Beauvista Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Beauvista:

  • Kevin - Villager.
  • Linda - Riding Instructor.
  • Lorna Thorne - Stable warden of Beauvista Stables.
  • Mallard - Shopkeeper in Beauvista Village.

The Jorvik Games
Starshine Legacy: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Star Academy: Audition!Showtime!Breakthrough!Starstruck!
Star Stable: The Autumn RiderThe Winter RiderThe Spring RiderThe Summer Rider
MMORPG: Star Stable Online