Galloper’s Playground!

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Galloper's Playground! Is a side questline available during the Halloween event in Star Stable Online. In this quest the player is given a tour of Galloper's Keep by Kasper.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Have access to Galloper's Keep


Galloper's Playground

Step 1

If you are not already in Galloper’s Keep, enter any of the portals marked on your map with a Pumpkin icon.

Step 2

Speak with Kasper, the dancing ghost directly to your right, to initiate the quest.


‎Woah! I gotta install a doorbell on that portal…

Galloper's Playground!
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Galloper's Keep
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
x5 Autumn TokensAutumnTokenIcon25X.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: What is this place? Talk to Kasper to find out.


‎Alright, kid! You’re in Galloper’s Keep, and this place has been around for a looooooong time!

Galloper Thompson, yeah? He’s the master of the keep and this is his domain. Every autumn, this time of year, when the veil between our two worlds weakens, he finds his way back to Jorvik.

What he does in Jorvik? He’s looking for souls of course! He’ll hunt unsuspecting people around, dragging their souls back to the keep.

Like yours truly!

It’s not that bad, we get more people and new friends all the time over here! Every year, something unexpected and exciting gets dragged in.

I’ll tell you right now, this place is more like Galloper’s playground. You just gotta know where to look, and ignore all the death and darkness and stuff!

There’s a bunch of games to play, races to race, potions to brew… you can even go shopping! Pretty neat, eh?

If you stick around, I’ll show you all the fun things we do here to KEEP our spirits up!

What do you say, kid? Are you in or are you IN?!

Step 3

Speak with Kasper again to initiate a tour of the Keep.

A Creepy Keep Tour!


‎Alright, have a little lookie-loo around the Keep. Take a look at the cauldron, the storage, the stable, and whatever else catches your eye!

A Creepy Keep Tour!
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+50 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Galloper's Keep
Player XP:
+10 PlayerXP.png
x5 Autumn TokensAutumnTokenIcon25X.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Investigate each of the main attractions within Galloper's Keep.

Step 4

Note: You can investigate the attractions in any order, but for this walkthrough we are going to go counterclockwise around the map. Go across the bridge in front of you and immediately turn right. Cross the second bridge on your right and you will arrive on a small island with a broken down stable. You will see orange sparkles on the ground directly in front of you. Step into the sparkles.


This here is the stable! I don’t gotta tell you how this works, feel free to take a look at these ghastly beauties.

Step 5

Cross the bridge back to the main island. Head into the center of the Keep where a giant cauldron is bubbling. Step into the orange sparkles.


‎You’re standing right next to the great brewing cauldron. Watch your step kid, it’s got a temper! Karin might need some help calming it down if I’m honest…

Please be advised, approach the cauldron at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any thing or creature falling in! Sorry, I had to say that. We’ve had…incidents in the past.

Step 6

While facing the cauldron, look immediately to your left and there will be some storage cabinets. Step into the orange sparkles.


These boxes and stuff here will give you access to everything you keep in your wardrobe at home! How does it work? Heck if I know!?

Step 7

While facing the storage cabinets, look immediately to your right and there will be some stand up shops. Step into the orange sparkles.


‎These are our shopkeeps. They don’t say much, but they have all sorts of spooky stuff at prices that actually aren’t too scary!

Step 8

Head up either staircase on in the keep. Cross the bridge on the second floor to a small island. Cross the second bridge to a second island with a broken-down abbey surrounded by picnic blankets. Step into the orange sparkles.


‎This is the Island of the Hopeful- -pretty, isn’t it? We go here when we need a bit of time to relax, maybe light a candle or two for the ones we left behind.

Step 9

Head back down the two bridges and stairs to the first floor of the keep. At the bottom of the stairs, head right and their will be another bridge leading to another larger island. Cross the bridge and head up the ramp to your left. Walk through the archway and you come upon a large tower with a purple forcefield around it. Step into the orange sparkles.


‎This is Tower Isle. That menacing-looking fortress has a lot of history…but it’s a long story. Nowadays, we use it to throw parties.

Yep, this island is all about fun and games. Here no one ever cancels a session of Dungeons and Pumpkins!.

Step 10

You have completed investigating all the main areas. Head back to Kasper to complete the quest.


And that’s just the stuff to do here in the Keep! The portals can take you to a bunch of other weird places, and I’ve heard about soul shard tornados over in Jorvik. Sounds pretty swooshy to me!

Note: Kasper will now have a floating information icon over her head. Click on her to be reminded of everything the Keep has to offer.