Thanking the bees

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Thanking the bees is a hidden questline in Star Stable Online in which the player thanks the bees for all they've done.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Have access to the Valedale Village and the Hollow Woods


Thanking the bees

Step 1

Find Bee who is sitting on a tree stump outside the house in Avalon's Meander (X: 280, Y: 148). Speak with Bee to learn how you can help them say their goodbyes to the bees.


‎Oh hello. My name is Bretton, but my friends call me Bee. You can call me Bee if you'd like. It's so nice to meet you. Unfortunate timing though, I'm actually moving away from Jorvik. I've lived here for a few years now, and I'm a bit heartbroken to leave, but it's time for my next adventure.

I love this island. I love the festivals. And I love the horses more than I could have ever expected when I first moved here! Most of all, I love all the people who call Jorvik home. That includes curious and kind people like you!

How can I help you today?

Note: The player can respond to this question in three ways. Each response will receive a slightly different answer from Bee.

The Player

‎1. "I'm just a bit lost. How do I get to Valedale?"

2. "I love your outfit!"

3. "You look a bit low, is there anything I can do to help?"


‎1. Haha, happens to me all the time! You can follow the path back to the main road and head east! Safe travels, my friend!

2. Thanks! My outfit was inspired by some very kind strangers who were excited to talk to me about this beautiful forest!

3. I don't want to impose, but if you're free, perhaps you could help me with one thing?


‎I'm afraid I need to leave quite soon. I've said my goodbyes to most, but I've run out of time to REALLY share my thanks with a few bees dear to my heart. I'm not sure where they are, but would you deliver a message for me?

Thanking the bees
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+30 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Avalon's Meander
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
X: 280, Y: 148
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Promise to find and thank six hidden bumblebees hidden across Jorvik!

Step 2

Speak with Bee again.


‎My message is pretty simple. "Thank you for all your kindness and love. Thank you for truly seeing me and supporting me for our brief time together. I may be leaving, but I will think of you often."

I haven't got much of anything to offer you in exchange, but you would be doing me a great kindness. Thank you, stranger.

Step 3

Find the Bees. They are hidden in six unmarked locations. They do not have to be found in a specific order or during a single play session.

Each bee will be resting on a plant or mushroom. They can be identified by the text above them that says, "Sweet Lil Bee."

Location Coordinates Notes
Goldenlilly Depths X: 243, Y: 122 Sitting on an orange mushroom at the base of the big tree in the middle of the water.
Starshine Ranch X: 290, Y: 225 On a dandelion behind the black bull laying just outside the large arena.
Moorland Stable X: 189, Y: 247 On a daisy behind the horses for sale near Justin.
Jorvik Riding Camp X: 173, Y: 263 On a waterlily in a small pond as you cross the bridge into the camp.
Fort Pinta X: 234, Y: 268 On a tulip next to the Notary.
Hussar's Drop X: 72, Y: 121 On a sunflower facing the cliff looking out over Goldenleaf Forest.
Sweet Lil Bee

‎The little bee hears your bittersweet message. She will remember this, and you.

Step 4

Once you have found all of the bees, return to the stump Bee was sitting on. They will be gone and a present will be in their place.


‎You find a small letter attached to the package.

Neatly folded jacket

Neatly folded jacket
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+30 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Avalon's Meander
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
Game Master Bee's Jacket Collarjacketicon25X.png
X: 280, Y: 148
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Open this small gift.

Step 5

Interact with the package.


‎Hello my friend, Thank you for doing me this kindness. I'm sorry I had to leave before you could get back. I realized that I won't be able to take this jacket with me, so I hope you will accept it as my thanks.

Thank you for playing your role in making Jorvik what it is and for keeping Jorvik so wonderful for everyone who calls this place home.

I hope next time you see a busy little bee buzzing across Jorvik's fields, you'll remember all the invisible love and care these tiny creatures put into this world.

Sincerely, Game Master Bee

P.S. Don't forget to be kind <3

The last gift

Step 6

Equip Game Master Bee's Jacket. While wearing the Jacket, you will be able to find six honeycombs, called a "Sweet Memory" scattered throughout Jorvik. The Sweet Memories are hidden in six unmarked locations. They do not have to be found in a specific order or during a single play session.

Sweet Memories will appear as gold crystals with honeycombs inside them. When the Sweet Memory is interacted with, the player will be shown old memories and details about updates that took place in the area.

Location Coordinates Notes Memory
Jorvik Stables X: 11, Y: 251 Behind a tree in the pig pen. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a glimpse of a prestigious event and... donkeys? Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.
Old Vallisdell Steep X: 228, Y: 98 On a cliff overlooking the treetops of Hollow Woods. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a glimpse of fireflies, wisps, and runestones. Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.
Firgrove X: 288, Y: 175 In a cave in the Wolf Den. Players will have to dismount to enter the cave. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a glimpse of wolves. Like... SO many wolves... Oh my gosh... There are like 400 of these things... Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.
Aideen's Whisper X: 89, Y: 97 In the middle of the trail in the ditch surrounded by glowing teal mushrooms. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a memory of ghosts, pumpkins, and spiders. Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.
Northern Mountain Range X: 146, Y: 119 Under the root of a tree looking over the Baroness' Race Track. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a glimpse of an oil spill and a beautiful new racetrack. Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.
Silverglade Village X: 182, Y: 189 At Big Bonney's House, near a ladder towards the back. You found a crystalized memory as sweet as honey. You catch a glimpse of recyclables and the bronze glint of a metal stallion. Before you can fully see it, it melts away. It has returned to whomever this memory belongs to.

Step 7

Once you have found all of the sweet memories, return to the stump Bee was sitting on back in Avalon's Meander. There will be another present sitting against the base of the stump. Interact with the it.


‎Right at this exact moment, someone, somewhere is daydreaming about this very moment.

The last gift
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
+30 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Avalon's Meander
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
Golden Honeycomb Petsicon25X.png
X: 280, Y: 148
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Accept this last gift.

Step 8

Interact with the beehive to receive the gift and end the questline.


‎Thank you <3


  • This quest was a final farewell project for Game Master Bee (real name Bretton Hamilton), the former lead game designer at Star Stable Entertainment.
    • Bee worked for Star Stable Entertainment from 2019-2023 and played a major role in Content, System and Game Design. They left SSE in 2024 for an offer at Chief Rebel.[1]
  • In a comment on Youtube, Bee mentioned that they asked a designer and a few artists on the SSO team to help them work on this questline so it could be released after they left.[2]
  • In a comment on Instagram, Bee explained the second part of this quest, involving the sweet memories, describe some of the projects they worked on that they were most proud of. These being the Equestrian Festival / Hidden Donkeys, the Hollow Woods update, Camp Western, the Haunted Trail Ride, Baroness' Racetrack update, and Big Bonny’s Recyclables.[3]


  1. game.master.bee, “Hello my friends! Some of you have reached out over the bittersweet news that I have left Star Stable for an offer at Chief Rebel.” Instagram, January 14, 2024, accessed May 03, 2024,
  2. Ivy Rainpaw, “GM Bee Secret Quest! Parts 1 & 2! ~ [SSO] Star Stable Online Updates,” May 1, 2024, Walkthrough,
  3. sirisnowing, “Hidden quest with GM Bee - Part 2 🐝💛” Instagram, May 1, 2024, accessed May 03, 2024,