The red little mystery fox

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The red little mystery fox is a hidden questline in Star Stable Online in which the player encounters a mysterious little red fox who leads them on a seven day adventure.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Have access to the Goldenhills Valley


The red little mystery fox

The red little mystery fox
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Aideen's Whisper
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
X: 88, Y:98
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Step 1

In the creative section of the game's settings, check the box that says become wild horse. Ride through Aideen's Whisper until reaching the middle section that has a ditch full of glowing mushrooms. (X: 88, Y:98). While still in wild horse mode, face southwest towards the small pine tree and click on the single mushroom on the right. A small red fox will appear. Interact with it while still in wild horse mode.

Note: If you are not in wild horse mode and you click on the mushroom, the fox will appear but will not talk to you. She will simply growl and run back the way she came.

Mysterious Red Fox


If you receive this interaction, you will have to log out and then back in and enter wild horse mode to restart the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Sniff, sniff! Oh! Hi Horsie!

Wait a minute… Are you really a horse? Something smells off about you! Sniff, sniff.

Note: The player can respond to the fox in different ways, but she will respond the same way.

PLayer Horse

‎1. Who are you?

2. What are you?

Mysterious Red Fox

‎A talking fox, duh? Hihi! Squeak!

Let’s put it like this, I have more than one identity. I am a trace, a piece, a memory from someone who used to belong to a tale about a pixel team. Hihi!

Sniff, sniff… it’s definitely something different about you, horsie! I am impressed that you found me! But can you find me again?

Let's play a game...

For 7 days, a new place, a new challenge, every day. Can you trace me? Hihi!

Player Horse

‎1. Bring it on, foxy!

2. I don't know who you are, but I will find you!

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Oh, sounds like we have a deal then, horsie! I warn you, this will not be like anything else. The things out of place will be your guidance!

Step 2

The fox will be in a different area of the game each day of the week. She will be hiding in one of five locations in each area. You must be in wild horse mode during each interaction or else the fox will growl and refuse to interact with you.

Note: If you miss a day, you will have to wait a full week until you can replay the specific day you missed.

Monday: The dino race

The fox will be in the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:388, Y:74
  • X:339, Y:32
  • X:330, Y:33
  • X:352, Y:27
  • X:299, Y:73

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Oh you found me! Good job! I seem to have underestimated you! Sniff, sniff.

This place is dear to me, I was still a cub when I was introduced to the tale about the pixels. Squeak! Have you heard about them?

Player Horse

‎1. The tale about the pixels?

2. The tale about....pixels?

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Sniff, sniff. Oh! The tales about the pixels, that is where everything began, at least for me.

My story started here…. At this very cold and chilly place! At that time I was afraid to roam here, but I am not afraid anymore. Hihi!

Are you afriad of the cold horsie? Hihi! Or do you like the snow?

I have a challenge for you, if you are up for it. It is something I created a while ago but it was never discovered.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎So are you up for my challenge, horsie?

The dino race
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Aideen's Whisper
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Finish the race.

Step 3

Successfully run the race. When you are finished, speak with the fox again to end Monday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎That was pretty crazy! Hihi! I loved that! I had fun today! Thank you, horsie! Maybe you will be able to find me again tomorrow!

Tuesday: Here is Thompson!

Step 4

The fox will be in Goldenhills Valley. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:46, Y:102
  • X:83, Y:136
  • X:56, Y:98
  • X:56, Y:117
  • X:85, Y:116

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎There you are, horsie! I didn't think that you would find me! I am impressed!

You truly have an eye out for the things that are out of place.

Hihi! Have you heard the stories about the headless horseman, horsie?

Hihi! You better run horsie… or he will get you!

If only you had Galloper Thompson's amulet. Maybe that could have saved you… maybe not.

Here is Thompson!
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Finish the race.

Step 5

Successfully beat Galloper Thompson in the race. When you are finished, speak with the fox again to end Tuesday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎You running fast for a horse, I still feel that energy from you. There is something special about you! Hihi! Well, I have things to do, things to prepare! Maybe you will find me again tomorrow!

Wednesday: Down the memory lane

Step 6

The fox will be in the Mirror Marshes. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:167, Y:316
  • X:149, Y:332
  • X:167, Y:339
  • X:148, Y:325
  • X:133, Y:320

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Hello! Squak! Hihi! You found me! I am impressed! Good job! Not everyone has a sharp eye like you!

Do you like this place, horsie?

Sniff, sniff. This place has so many memories, so many stories to tell!

Squeak, do you know what, horsie? I feel nostalgic today! Why not go down the memory lane with me? Hihi, it might be the future for you… but for my sake will you come?

Hihi! Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go! Follow me to the campsite close to Guardian's Dale.

Down the memory lane
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Mirror Marshes
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Follow the mysterious red fox to the campsite.

Step 7

Make your way to the campsite above the Guardian's Dale and speak with the fox. A cutscene will begin to play. Speak with the fox again when it ends to complete Wednesday's quest

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Schsss, listen horsie! It will begin soon!

Thank you for experiencing this with me, horsie! Just as she sung, this is what friends are for! Are we friends, horsie?

Squeak! Maybe we will see each other tomorrow again!

Thursday: Hide and squeak!

Step 8

The fox will be in the Greendale. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:105, Y:250
  • X:111, Y:241
  • X:91, Y:255
  • X:99, Y:246
  • X:82, Y:254

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox


SQUEAK! Sniff, sniff! Oh! Its you, horsie! For a moment I thought it was someone else.

Hihi! I guess you want to know more about the tales about the pixels, right?

They told the stories about the world before the world was written. Hihi! Sniff, sniff!

I am just a memory of that, a small gift to you my dear horsie. Hihi!

I have an idea, let's do something fun today! I want to play some hide and squeak!

Hihi! Sorry, I mean hide and seek!

I will go and find a hiding place in this forest. Try to catch me!

Sniff, sniff, You ready? Then, try to find me! Hihi!

Hide and squeak!
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Find the mysterious red little fox.

Step 9

Search around the area for orange sparkles to interact with. When you find the correct spot, the fox will reappear. Speak with the fox again to end Thursday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Hihi! There really is something special about you horsie!

Friday: How does a fox dance?

Note: You will need access to the Peregrine Trail to complete this quest.

Step 10

The fox will be in Mistfall. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:357, Y:326
  • X:398, Y:325
  • X:364, Y:295
  • X:382, Y:299
  • X:369, Y:315

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Hihi! There you are horsie! I seem to have underestimate you!

You are, however, in perfect timing! Let's skip the challenge today and you can help me out instead! Sounds like a deal, right? Sniff, sniff. Hihi!

Squeak! Thank you that you want to help me horsie! Help me find my five fox friends! They should be here in the forest! Once you have found them, meet me in the spider cave! Hihi! I promise that you won't regret this! Hihi!

How does a fox dance?
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Find five foxes and meet return to the spider cave.

Step 11

The foxes are hidden around Mistfall in five unmarked locations. They do not have to be found in a specific order.

Coordinates Notes Dialogue
X: 370, Y: 304 In the Bramble Gorge tunnel by the lake.
DialogIcon Petshop.png

‎Spider Cave? Oh! Soon, I'm just gonna… See you later, horsie!

X: 396, Y: 306 Sitting by the trunk of a tree within the South Mistfall Forest
DialogIcon Petshop.png

‎Have you seen my russian doll? No? Spider Cave? Oh! I should look there!

X: 391, Y: 294 At the South Mistfall Ranger Station behind the largest Cabin.
DialogIcon Petshop.png

‎Squeak! Spider cave? Oki doki!

X: 387, Y: 291 Above the South Mistfall Ranger Station.
DialogIcon Petshop.png

‎Food? Sniff, sniff! Spider Cave? That's not food…. But I will go there anyway.

X: 387, Y: 364 In a dog house in Dundull.
DialogIcon Petshop.png

‎Am I late for the stand up?! Oh, Spider Cave? Sure, I have to run! See you horsie!

Step 12

Once you have found all five foxes, head to the Spider Cave. It is at the end of the Peregrine Trail. Speak with the fox again to end Friday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox


Horsie! Dance with us!

Hihi! That was fun, horsie! I am going to continue to dance! Feel free to stay if you want!

Saturday: Work that equitation

Step 13

The fox will be in the Silverglade Vineyard. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:129, Y:177
  • X:123, Y:170
  • X:123, Y:182
  • X:129, Y:172
  • X:126, Y:173

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎You surely are impressive, horsie! I didn't think that you would be able to find me! Hihi!

I wanted to show you something today, its almost a secret. Hihi!

I wanted to make something really special for you! Almost a new type of competititon. Who knows, maybe it isn't new anymore by the time you have find this.

Hihi! Can you guess who I am yet? Hihi! A trace, a memory, someone with the power of creating challenges for you, horsie! Hihi!

So….are you up for what I have prepared for you today?

Hihi! You are brave!

You say yes to things that you don't even know what they are yet. It's almost like you don't have any other choice but to always say yes.

Sniff, sniff. Something is really different about you, horsie. I am not sure if you really are just a horse or not, but let's not focus on that now!

Let's do this special course I have prepared, just for you! Oh, and this time, can I accompany you?

Work that equitation
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Complete the course.

Step 14

Successfully run the race. When you are finished, speak with the fox again to end Saturday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎Wohoo! I almost felt like the riding instructor! Hihi! Thank you for this, horsie! Hihi! Maybe we will see each other tomorrow again!

Sunday: A hungry little red fox

Note: You will need access to the Peregrine Trail to complete this quest.

Step 15

The fox will be in Mistfall. The possible locations she can appear at are:

  • X:380, Y:320
  • X:360, Y:356
  • X:327, Y:318
  • X:322, Y:258
  • X:302, Y:254

Speak with the fox to begin the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox


Soooo hungry….

Sniff, sniff. Oh, I wish I was like you horsie… then I could just eat grass the whole day long!

Sorry horsie…. I am sooo hungry! I can't speak!

No horsie! No, challenge today! Miss fox is hungry!


You still here, horsie?

If you want a challenge then your challenge will be to gather some food so we can have a picnic!

Sniff, sniff, I will go to my favorite spot where I can look out over the Mistfall lake.

Meet me there once you found some picnic food.

A hungry little red fox
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Gather food for the mystery red fox.

Step 16

There will be seven different foods to gather that are hidden in unmarked locations around Mistfall. They do not have to be found in a specific order.

Food Coordinates Notes
Blueberries X: 396, Y: 311 On Berry Hill, under a red-leafed tree.
Blueberries X: 381, Y: 330 In the South Mistfall Forest surrounded by Mushrooms.
Blueberries X: 379, Y: 335 In the South Mistfall Forest near the lone house across from Dundull.
Lingonberries X: 368, Y: 330 On the small peninsula by the lake, near the Weeping Willows.
Hot Dog X: 386, Y: 356 In a trashcan behind a house with a white cat on the stoop in Dundull.
Hot Dog X: 374, Y: 356 In a recycle bin in front of the accessories shop in Dundull.
Hot Dog X: 375, Y: 361 In a recycle bin in front of the horse gear shop in Dundull.

Step 17

Head to the Campsite above the Bramble Gorge. Speak with the fox again to end Sunday's quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎This is sooo amazing! Nom nom! It's almost like Swedish fika!

No,no! You keep the berries! I take the sausage!

CAKE! Squeak! No, horsie! My cake! My cake!

I am so full…...

Please horsie, I need to rest. Come back tomorrow and we can play again!




Step 18

After completing all seven quests, wait until the next day and return to Aideen's Whisper. Head to where you first activated the quest and the red fox will be sitting on the path. Speak with the fox.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎For 7 days, you have found me and done what I have asked you to do.

Quest Info
E01 Quest L01 C079 010 NAMEquest.PNG
Quest Giver:
Mysterious Red Fox
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Aideen's Whisper
Player XP:
N/A PlayerXP.png
Fox maskMaskicon25X.png
X: 88, Y:98
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Talk to the red little fox.

Step 19

Speak with the fox again to complete the quest.

Mysterious Red Fox

‎I am impressed horsie. You truly are something!

I am going to miss you. After all, I did all this just for you. You gave me strengths those days when I thought all my energy had left me, you gave me happiness when the world was grey outside my window and you gave me a goal to strive for. I am the one who been telling stories in the tales about the pixels that you have experienced.

That is who I am. My name doesn’t matter, because I did not do this myself, I did it together with my amazing friends and team.

I will go out now on my own adventures, horsie. Someone told me “Every story has an end, but every end is just a new beginning in life!

Thank you <Player Name>! Thank you for sharing this experience with me!

This is a small goodbye gift to you. To remind you that you are amazing and continue to just be you!