Back on the track

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Back on the track is a race found at The Baroness' Racetrack. The race is given by Sir Tarik Modde.


Welcome, [player], are you here to wallow in my misery again? Have at it then, onto the track you go. Try not to injure yourself... - Sir Tarik Modde, current dialogue

The racetrack is still not ready. Get to the starting line to start the race. - Race Starter, former dialogue


Get back on the track and complete the race. (currently)

Check how work on the Manor's racetrack is coming along. (formerly)


  • Keep close to the inside of the track

Finished Race

"Oh, imagine a day when this track might see brighter days... Let's hope we'll both be here to see it." - Sir Tarik Modde, current dialogue

Still no progress? I'll have to talk to somebody about this. - The Baroness, former dialogue


  • This was formerly the only race in the game where the player had to interact with two different NPCs to start and finish the race (the Race Starter and The Baroness). It is now only from Sir Tarik Modde for both starting and completion.
  • This race gives 100 more Horse XP than the race from the finished racetrack, although it is only one lap instead of two. It is unknown if this is an oversight or intentional.