Big Bonny's Logbooks

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Big Bonny's Logbooks are lore books obtained while upgrading Big Bonny's H.O.R.S.E machine during the Project H.O.R.S.E questline. The five sections are obtained for from the first five levels of progression.

Big Bonny's logbooks describe her previous employment with Dark Core on their oil rig and the reason for her paranoia when the player first meets her.

Logbook Entry 1: The Wonders of Science and Technology

I can't believe it!

I Bonnibel Blair, have been offered a brand spanking new job as an 'Innovative Organic Machine Operator'! I'm not quite sure what that title means yet, but there was only one way to find out. To go for it!

I haven't heard of the company before, but I have to keep things hush-hush! They're working on top-secret projects involving the most advanced science and technology that have yet to hit the Jorvegian market.

This is the answer to my prayers! I've been struggling to get by for a while, working odd jobs maintaining village clocks and the sort, but my true passion is pushing the boundaries of technology and science to create fascinating things.

I knew since I was a wee lass that I wanted to dabble in engineering, mechanics, and horology. Looking up at Edinburgh clock tower and wishing to climb up and take it apart...

The job is located on an oil rig off the coast of western Jorvik, to maintain the air of secrecy, of course. I even get free board as part of my contract. Living life on the sea, never thought I'd get to do that!

Here's to the start of a new life, filled with the wonders and mysteries of science. I leave in a few days.

Logbook Entry 2: First Day on the Job

Blimey, what a journey it's been to get here! The seas were rough, so by the time my feet were on the solid ground of my new home, it felt like nuts and bolts were rattling around in my stomach.

But now I'm here, at the place where I'll live and work and create marvelous things. A gigantic looming oil rig off the coast of Jorvik. How homely!

This place is gargantuan, the towering stilts reaching out of the seas like metallic spider legs, eroded and covered in barnacles. The air is thick with the spray of the sea, doing no favors to my unmanageable hair.

I met some of the other workers today, and I noticed that none of them seemed too ecstatic to be here. They were almost... nonchalant? How can they be so laid back about the advancements of science and technology?!

They almost looked like clones, standing there in that oversized rubber poncho and giant stompy boots. But underneath the garb, I could see they were human, each unique in their own little ways.

One of the workers took one look at the big smile on my face and rolled his eyes, giving me a gloomy look.

"The novelty'll soon wear off", he said, and as I sit here on the bed of my bunk hours later I still wonder what he meant.

Logbook Entry 3: The Sands and the Sea

I've been working on this oil rig for a few weeks now, and to be quite honest I was getting a bit fed up. When I took on this job I was expecting to delve into the wonders of science and technology, not hand-clean barbed wire fences and polish bolts in the wall!

Just as I was considering quitting on the spot, I was called into the office to meet the man himself... The one that runs this entire operation.

My footsteps echoed off the metallic walls, as I walked down the shadowy corridor to the head office. The door creaked open before I could even knock, revealing a dimly-lit room with just one light that shone on a weathered desk.

Sitting at the desk was a man, with sallow skin and a face so wrinkled it was as if every year showed like rings of a tree.

"Sit", he croaked, and I obliged, my limbs feeling like they were on backwards as I tried to get comfy.

"You've been here for a few weeks now. Diligently working, yes...". He stood up from the desk to pace the room, engulfing himself in the shadow.

"Are you ready for your true task, Bonnibel Blair? To serve Dark Core to the best of your abilities"?. "Yes", I blurted before he'd even finished his sentence. His face did something strange, then, mouth opening wide as if it were splitting into two. Mr. Sands was smiling.

All was revealed. I was to create robots that would be part man, part machine. They would be husk of humans, with no emotions, no memories, merely cogs and wheels with silicone skin stretched over. Using dark science, cloning, secrets only Dark Core knew...

"This will mean that we can expound our reach, and one day, serve the entire island of Jorvik with our... services" Mr. Sands explained, stepping back into the light.

"What does Dark Core want to do for Jorvik, exactly?" I asked, voice wavering.

"Once question too many, Bonnibel". Mr. Sands uttered, and I was escorted out of the room by two guards before I could protest.

Logbook Entry 4: Dark Core Diaries

A few months have passed since I met with Mr. Sands, and I've well and truly buried myself in my work.

He was right - the clones have no emotions, no thoughts, they just wish to see Dark Core succeed. Their machinery makes them freakishly strong, their lifeless eyes covered by goggles, robotic hands hidden with gloves.

It's mildly unsettling to create something so life-like that isn't alive at all, but the thrill of pushing the boundaries of science is far too exciting to abandon. Or it was, until now...

I couldn't ignore it, how the more clones I created, the more human workers disappeared. After a while, it felt like it was just me and the sea clones on the oil rig. I was almost getting used to my new way of life... Until I heard it.

The cries of horses and cackles of humans ringing throughout the metallic shell of the base. The noise pierced my ears like the sound of cogs grinding together. Curiosity got the best of me and I snuck out from my bunk, determined to find answers. What I saw changed my life forever.

Mr. Sands and four shadowy figures, standing in the middle of a platform. Towering over them was a horrible, terrifying sight. A portal to another place, swirling with darkness, emitting the cries of horses I heard from my bunk.

Before I could process what I was seeing, they turned around - honing in on me like an eagle to a mouse. Instinct kicked in and I fled, running down to the bottom decks where I grabbed a rickety rowboat and beelined out of there.

The last sight I saw was Mr. Sands and the four shadowy figures, standing at the edge of the platform, watching me row away. He saw. He knew. And now my life is in danger.

Logbook Entry 5: Going Into Hiding

After what felt like hours of rowing the rough seas, the sandy beaches of Moorland scooped me up and cradled me like a mother does a child.

I could have kissed the ground, then, I was so happy to have escaped the oil rig. But there was no time for me to rest; I swear I could still feel their eyes on me, Mr. Sands and the four shadowy figures. I had to escape further into the island.

I traveled inland, barely stopping to breath until I stumbled across a familiar sleepy town that I felt safe in. Silverglade Village.

That's where I am now. Trying my best to blend into regular life, taking on the role of the local watchmaker and maintaining the village clock. Trying to process everything that happened, and that I was contributing to the evil intentions of Dark Core...

I want to make amends and move forward. To bring inventions to Jorvik for the better of the island. Starting with my first project - creating a clone WITH emotions, thoughts, feelings. I call her Little Bonny, and I sent her out in the world to live a life like everyone else.

I guess that makes me Big Bonny, then. No more shall I be Bonnibel Blair - I can't bear the sound of my name after hearing it come out of Mr. Sands' mouth.

Here's to the start of another fresh start, filled with the normalcy of mundane life, and not an evil corporation in sight.