Canter Ella

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The "Canter Ella" comic cover

Canter Ella is a fictional comic series (and soon-to-be movie) within the Star Stable Online Universe. It follows the story of the masked hero, Canter Ella, going on daring adventures with her trusty steed Tintoretto.

Canter Ella's costume and Tintoretto's Tack along with their comics are sold at "Purple Pony".

Canter Ella's life-size cut-out


An excerpt from the Canter Ella books is available to read in the Purple Pony shop located in the Jorvik City Mall.

"Carnival in Venice"

Canter Ella: A Game of Masks

Venice needed a hero. It got two.

By day, Elena works in stables of Contessa Columbina, but by night she puts on she puts on the purple mask and becomes Canter Ella! Together with her stalwart steed Tintoretto, Canter Ella fights to lift the burden of injustice from the peasants and horses of the realm.

With Carnivale approaching, the dashing duo aren't the only ones wearing masks. The mischievous Duca Arlecchino is holding a grand masquerade and all the lords and ladies of Venice are invited. When the clocks chime midnight, the partiers find that their masks are more than just costumes. Canter Ella rides to the rescue... but something feels off about the purple mask. Now the hero with the crimson feather is dancing to Arlecchino's tune! It's up to Tintoretto to stop the Duca before his rider and Venice's elite dance into a watery grave!


  • The name Canter Ella takes inspiration from Cinderella but replaces cinder with the term canter, which is a horse's gait.
  • Canter Ella is based on Zorro, her costume and the fact that she rides a black Friesian are clear allusions to him.
  • It is known that Canter Ella's real name is Elena.
  • When she doesn't fight the forces of evil under the cover of night, she works in Contessa Columbina stables.
  • Thalia is currently making a movie about her.
  • The Canter Ella Comic has the names Sunfield and Goldspur written on the bottom, suggesting the authors are from these families in Jorvik.