It’s pumpkin-hunting season!

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It's pumpkin-hunting season! is a side questline available during the Halloween event in Star Stable Online. In this quest the player must corral a group of possessed pumpkins.

Quest Activation Requirements

To activate this quest, the player must:

  1. Be a Star Rider
  2. Have access to Goldenhills Valley
  3. Have access to Galloper's Keep
  4. Have completed the Galloper’s Playground! questline.


It's pumpkin-hunting season!

Step 1

If you are not already in Galloper’s Keep, enter any of the portals marked on your map with a Pumpkin icon.

Step 2

Cross the bridge to the main island. Ride directly west, straight through the middle of the keep, to the portal with a giant Enchanted Pumpkin swaying next to it. Speak with the Enchanted Pumpkin to initiate the quest.

Enchanted Pumpkin

‎It’s once again our season. When a brilliant orange moon hangs in the sky, some of us pumpkins become possessed or enchanted by the Pandoric energy and excitement spreading throughout Jorvik

Yes… it is time for the pumpkin hunt in Goldenhills Valley!

It's pumpkin-hunting season!
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Enchanted Pumpkin
Jorvik Shillings:
N/A JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Galloper's Keep
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Speak to the magical pumpkin by the Goldenhills Valley portal to learn about the pumpkin hunt.

Step 3

Speak with the Enchanted Pumpkin to complete the quest.

Enchanted Pumpkin

‎I see the confusion on your face, little one. What is it that motivates us to come alive just to hide? It’s the emotions instilled in us by you humans.

People of olden times called the full moon around this time of the year “the harvest moon,” followed by “the hunting moon.”

You have to put in so much time, tending to our every need to ensure that the harvest will be bountiful this year. Oh, such joy and trepidation! You’re soon to be rewarded!

Ah, but what is the point of a hunt if not for the challenge? And isn’t the reward so much greater when you have overcome the obstacles set before you?

Perhaps this mischievous streak in us comes from the season. Do not fret, little one.

You will be rewarded for completing the hunt. Maybe one of us will join you as an adventuring companion. It’ll be the luck of the draw to decide when and it that’ll happen.

So what say you, are you up for the challenge of finding us, little one?

We’d of course want the challenge to be fair. This portal next to me takes you to Goldenhills Valley where the hunt will take place, though it’ll only work if you have been there before and can access it now.

Step through the portal next to me to learn the rules of our little game.

Then come talk to me when you’re ready to begin the hunt.

Jasper’s pumpkin patch problem

Step 4

Head into the portal next to the Enchanted Pumpkin. Once you are in Goldenhills Valley, speak with Jasper.


‎Great Galloper’s ghost! My pumpkins are possessed!

Jasper’s pumpkin patch problem
Quest Info
Quest Giver:
Jorvik Shillings:
50 JorvikShillingV3Icon.png
Player XP:
+5 PlayerXP.png
x2 Autumn Tokens AutumnTokenIcon25X.png
Horse XP:
N/A HorseXP.png

Goal: Appease the possessed pumpkin in Jasper's patch by bringing back the three mischievous sprouts.

Step 5

‎I was on my way to snap a few of my prize pumpkins from the vine (to) take to market when, lo and behold, the pumpkins snapped back!

Pumpkins hoppin’ about like little hellions! It’s a disaster! <Player>, you have to help get the sinister squashes under control!

‎Click on the Possessed Pumpkin

Find and click on the three Pumpkin Sprouts

Bring the Sprouts back to the Possessed Pumpkin

Step 6

When you click on the Possessed Pumpkin, the three sprouts will run off in random directions to hide. Run around the area until your screen’s borders begin to darken. The darker they get the closer you are to a sprout. When you find a sprout, click on it and it will begin to follow you. Once you have collected all three of the sprouts, bring them back to the possessed pumpkin. Then speak with Jasper to complete the quest.

‎Would ya look at that! They’re a family! They aren’t so Frightening now that you brought ‘em back together.

Huh--? What’s that?! Looks like some sorta treat for ya!

Thank ye kindly for helping get my patch under control.

But now that my prized pumpkins have personalities, I can’t rightly sell them to be mashed for pie! What am I gonna tell Mrs. Holdsworth?! Oh dear, oh dear…

Note: After completing this quest, it will unlock a daily quest called Daily pumpkin hunt in Goldenhills Valley which you can complete once a day and another daily quest called Pumpkin hunt in Goldenhills Valley which can be completed multiple times a day.