Mica's Journals (Cloud Kingdom)

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Mica's Journals are books the player is able to read during the Rainbow Festival. The four readings are scattered around the Cloud Kingdom.

The books were first released during the 2018 Rainbow Festival, but their contents received a significant change during the 2022 event. This is the version players can now access.

Mica's Musings (Current Version)

In the first book, Mica hypothesizes on what's causing the colors to be drained from the Cloud Kingdom. The second book discusses Nic Stoneground's expedition to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur and the blocked road to Ashland. The third book describes the time Mica first met her pet frog Pico. The final book returns to Nic Stoneground's expedition in the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur and the story of the Life Warden tree in the Valley of Frozen Mist.

Mica's Musings: A World Without Color

Have you ever seen a black and white rainbow?

I know this sounds like a metaphorical question, but oddly enough the Cloud Kingdom has literally been drained of all color, casting the skies in a muted monochrome.

When I started my journey to adventure across Jorvik in a hot air balloon, I knew that challenges would arise.

My Uncle Nic prepared me well enough with his travel logs that! spent my childhood reading, my impulse to explore growing with each turn of the page.

But never did I imagine the mysteries that I would encounter, and the thrill that would come from unraveling them.

I have to find out what's happened to the Cloud Kingdom.

And why, despite the suffocating silence, the low drone of a violin seems to reverberate throughout the clouds...

Mica's Musings: The Stoneground expedition Pt.1

Would you believe me if I told you there were corners of Jorvik yet to be discovered?

What if I said these corners are closer than you think?

Not someplace halfway across the island, but a horse's stride away from somewhere you might call home?

This week my Uncle Nic and I have been exploring Dino Valley.

We came across a winding road at the base of a rocky mountain, leading to lands yet known.

I could smell the sulfur in the air, see smoke rising in great plumes into the snowy sky.

I knew whatever lay beyond was treacherous and more extraordinary than I could ever imagine.

I turned to my Uncle, eager to continue, but he looked at me with a solemn face and only had one thing to say.

"The road to Ashland is blocked."

Mica's Musings: Archeology, Ancient Rome, and the lone frogspawn

Today, while searching for ancient Roman artifacts in the Mirror Marshes, I came across the most interesting thing.

Lately, I've been helping Hawaii Jones with her archaeological pursuits across Epona.

The two of us are trying to shake things up in the AAE, breathe new life into the society, and ignite interest in a fresh and responsible way.

But hey, the interesting thing I found-there I was, knee-deep in mud and lilypads, and it floated right by me, all alone in the vast marshes.

A lone frogspawn.

I tried to find where it came from, but there wasn't a clump of spawn or mother frog in sight.

So I scooped up the fragile thing and took it home, where I'll take care of it and let it grow.

Who knows, maybe a friend will hatch out of it!

Mica's Musings: The Stoneground expedition Pt.2

Our journey to explore hidden Jorvik continues.

Uncle Nic and I trekked until we reached the southernmost corner of Dino Valley, where we stumbled upon a frozen tree, its branches creaking as if whispering to us with an ancient sigh.

The ice had preserved it in such a way that made me wonder if the tree wasn't dead but instead sent into a deep slumber.

My Uncle walked up to the tree, placing one hand as if to confirm his suspicions.

"The druids have told me about these... they call them Life Wardens."

As I stood by the frozen tree, a thunderous sound echoed across the mountains.

What could it have been? An earthquake? Drums?

The hooves of a hundred horses galloping all at once?

We looked over our maps but the area has yet to be charted. For once, my Uncle Nic didn't have the answer.

But I know, someday, I will.

Mica Stoneground's Journal (Previous Version)

Note: As these Journals were replaced with the current version, it is likely that their content is no longer considered cannon.

Mica's first journal entry describes Mica's first sighting of the Cloud Kingdom. Her second entry describes her first arrival to the Kingdom. In the third entry, Mica describes the possibility of life somewhere within the Cloud Kingdom. The final entry describes Mica's second trip to the Kingdom as she is able to travel further into the area.

Mica Stoneground's Journal, Day 1

Visions of the "Cloud Kingdom" have haunted my dreams ever since the storm. Did I really see a castle in the sky, or was it just a mirage? I won't give up until I know the truth.

We've loaded the balloon with extra provisions and enough fuel to keep in the air for a week. A long trip shouldn't make a difference to Pico since he just eats bugs, but I'm going to miss milkshakes and home-baked apple pie. The sacrifices we make in the name of discovery!

I wonder what Uncle Nic would think if he could see me now? I sure hope he's okay. I haven't heard from him since he left for Dino Valley. Did he ever find the place that he was looking for?

Mica Stoneground's Journal, Day 9

We did it, Pico! We made landfall in the clouds. Or would that be "cloudfall"?

What a bizarre phenomenon these clouds are. From a distance they look like your typical cumulonimbus poofs, and yet somehow they are firm to the touch and can even hold up a person's weight! It's so disorienting to actually stand on a cloud. I thought things like that could only happen in a video game!

I attempted to break of a sample to take it to Uncle Nic for study but it's no use -- as soon as the cloud gets too far from its source, it disappears into mist. It seems whatever power gives these clouds their unique properties is bound to this place in the sky.

It's getting pretty late. Tonight's sunset was easily the most beautiful I've ever seen. I can't wait to see what the stars are like up here so close to the heavens. Maybe I'll sleep in the balloon tonight just to be safe.

Mica Stoneground's Journal, Day 12

We're not alone up here.

Yesterday I woke up to find the basecamp a total mess, almost like a bear had passed through. There were indentations in the clouds that almost looked like hoofprints.

And then last night I heard voices -- weird whispery voices in a language I'd never heard before. And laughter too! But when I peeked outside the tent, no one was there.

Strangest of all, this morning I discovered a rainbow path leading from a nearby cloud island, as if inviting me to explore its mysteries. I tried to follow the path, but strong winds nearly blew me off the path. I can't believe that whoever left the path meant me harm. Perhaps if I was on horseback, I could have made it Further...

That's it -- horses! I am in Jorvik, after all! Tomorrow I'll take my balloon back to the ground and see if I can find any brave riders to help me explore this rainbow trail!

Sky Odessey: Round 2, Let's Go!

During my last expedition, it became clear that I'd need better gear and more help to explore this kingdom in the clouds. After months of careful planning (not to mention a few dances around the Midsummer pole with my new friends!) I'm recharged and ready to see what mysteries lie over the horizon!

Zenith Camp got a few small upgrades to make life easier for my fellow explorers and their brave horses. I even stocked up a supply of AAE-approved explorer gear, because you can never have too many pockets!

I can't wait to see what discoveries this expedition will yield. With the help of courageous explorers like Izabella by my side, the sky's the limit!