Spotlight: Audition

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Spotlight: Audition is the first comic from the Star Academy series.


Lisa gets nervous before audition for the Star Academy, meanwhile Kevin and Kyomi are secretly practicing in the school's music room. At Dark Chord Records, Clarence Stillwater fires Raptor and decides to sponsor the Star Academy in order to find a star to replace him and another singer named Cindy, who has gone crazy. Maurice Bergen calls Brittany and says that despite knowing her father, he will not be able to treat her concessionally.

On audition day, Lisa is attacked by Lilith at school, as seen by Kevin and Kyomi. Maurice greets everyone in the hall and explains the principles of the audition and introduces the jury: Miss Rita, Mrs. Graham and Mr. Grimp. Kevin and Kyomi talk to Lisa and all three go to Leonardo's. Lilith and Lance come to attack Lisa again, but Lilith trips over Disco and falls. Lance kicks Disco and he runs away to the street. When they leave, they see Brittany rescuing Disco from under the wheels of a truck.

The next day of auditions, Lisa copes with singing, while the others talk about Maurice Bergen's wife, who fell into a mysterious coma. Only a tune with magical powers called Parthenope is able to wake her up. Lilith and Lance put chalk to Kyomi's drink, which causes her to have a problem with her voice. She struggles with the audition and she manages to create a magical sound, which stops the clocks in Jorvik. Clarence offers Brittany a contract, if she shows Maurice pictures of friends doing bad things, but the girl rejects the offer and the four of them get accepted to the Star Academy thanks to their performance together.

