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The Spymaster is a mysterious hooded spy who lives in the hideout near the Druid Paddock. He serves for the druids to watch for suspicious activity within Dark Core with his secret network of supporters and spies, but other than that, no one really knows anything about him. One of the Spymaster's known companion spies is a black squirrel named Lucien.


The Spymaster wears a black hooded-robe with a silver hems and crest along with markings circling the waist of his robe. The back point of his hood has been elongated but it is uncertain whether it is his hair or not. He also has black claw-like gloves.

Star Stable Online

When the player first meets the spymaster, he helps the player reunite Linda and Meteor. The Spymaster claims to know about everything that happens around Jorvik but states that he only handles information and does not interfere with “fate”. He will share any information as long as he is asked the right questions and that the information does not interfere with the so-called fate.

In Dundull, Spymaster was reluctant to recuit spy animals other than squirrels but he gives his apprentice Kora and her seagull Beeper a chance to complete the three trials. She passed all three trials successfully, especially the last one due to an unexpected kidnap by the Dark Rider Jessica resulting in the Spymaster to recruit Beeper, a hedgehog and a spider into join his spy agent crew.

The Spymaster is also seen at Elizabeth’s memorial. He tells the player that after Elizabeth's death, he confesses that his first thought was that he never returned her hairbrush. The Spymaster then reminisced in the small moments he had with Elizabeth such as borrowing her hair care products due to the difficulty of having such products delivered to his isolated cave. After that, he stated that didn't realise that he was crying until Lucien tried to comfort him.

One of the Soul Riding missions requires the player to save the spymaster’s agent trapped in a Dark Core machine.

The Spymaster is a guest at the ceremony where the player unlocks the Rune Runner.


  • Some of his messengers and agents are chipmunks and squirrels which he sends through underground tunnels.
  • It is possible that the Spymaster has a special connection with animals as he could communicate with Lucien.