Star Stable: The Autumn Rider

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Star Stable: The Autumn Rider

The Autumn Rider is the first game in the series of Star Stable. The aim of the game is to compete in the Claymore competition hosted at the McKinney Castle.

The Star Stable games:

!NOTE! This game is separate from Star Stable Online. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded.


Autumn Rider

Star Stable: The Autumn Rider focuses on cross-country riding around Jorvik during the horse camp Herman holds. As the player completes and partakes in different competitions, Herman is deciding who will be able to join him this year in the Claymore Challenge, which is the final competition of the game.

Opening of the Game


Summer sheds its skin and the landscape begins to prepare for winter. The trees shift their colors from summer green to fiery red, warm yellow and sparkling orange.

The fields are ripe with crops, the trees are rich with fresh fruit, and the winds are starting to get chilly.

In this time of change and opportunity a girl arrives on the island of Jorvik.

All her life she has loved horses. She has dreamed of being around them, caring for them, nurturing them and feeling the freedom of riding horseback. It is a beautiful dream, but that is all it has ever been.

Just a dream.

Living in the big city, she has never seen a real horse before. Beneath the sky of the steel skyscrapers, among the cacophony of the cars with their fuming exhaust pipes and loud horns, and the constantly moving tidal wave of the stressed crowds, there has never been room for nature.

Until now.

During fall break she has finally convinced her parents to send her away from the city, to finally learn to stand on her own feet.

She is excited, but scared at the same time. In a world filled with strangers she has nothing to hold onto but her dream. And she prays that will be enough.

That girl is you.

Now live your dream!”


The map of the Star Stable: The Autumn Rider. The colored part of the map is the accessible game and the grey is the inaccessible part.

The map in the Star Stable: The Autumn Rider uses the lowest part of the whole map shown in the game. The later games in the series uses different parts of the map that is inaccessible and displayed in grey unlike the accessible area which is colored. The map also shows where characters, items and checkpoints can be found. On the upper part of the map are stars which will turn gold when a named place has been found. Each star gives the player 50 XP.


  • Yellow dot - Character with a quest to give
  • Grey dot - Character with a quest that hasn't been completed yet
  • Green dot - Character with a quest for which the conditions are fulfilled
  • Blue dot - Character with a repeatable quest
  • Orange dots - Quest items
  • Red dots - Quest items related to the quest currently selected in the Quest Log
  • White dots - Checkpoints
  • Purple dots - Save places


The stars numbered from left to right according to the place they represent:

  1. Jorvik Stables
  2. Hillcrest
  3. Old Windmill
  4. Devil’s Gap
  5. Mill
  6. Scarecrow Hill
  7. Valedale
  8. River House
  9. Firgrove
  10. Twin Island Lighthouse
  11. *
  12. South Isle Lighthouse
  13. Jorvik Lighthouse
  14. Secret Valley

* There is no name for this star, it appears at an area between where Scarecrow Hill and South Isle Lighthouse are

Character Sheets

The Player's Character Sheet

The Character Sheet can be found at the lower part of the screen with an icon depicting the upper body of a person, on the left of the icon with the horse head which will open the Horse Character Sheet. On the Character Sheet it's displaying the current level (the highest level is 11), Experience Points (XP), Stable Points (SP), Skill Points, and the player equipment. To level up, the player needs to complete different quests and races to earn XP. New equipment can be bought with SP at the four different shops around Jorvik. The player's equipment can be replaced by clicking on the new unequipped item and place it on top of the current equipped item and clicking again on the Character Sheet.

There are four different skills the player can increase with Skill Points, which are earned when leveling up. The four skills are: Riding, Command, Jumping, and Caring. Jumping makes the player better at clearing obstacles, Riding increases the horse's endurance, Command increases the speed at which a horse speeds up or slows down (corresponds to Discipline of the horse stats) and Caring makes the player faster at taking care of the player's horse. Each skill can be increased with 100 Skill Points, the player is able to hold in total 240 Skill Points. When the player levels up, they receive at ...

  • level 2: 40 Skill Points.
  • level 3 - 6: 30 Skill Points.
  • level 7 - 9: 20 Skill Points.
  • level 10 - 11: 10 Skill Points.

Horse Character Sheet

The Horse Character Sheet is located on the right side of the Player Character Sheet and has an icon depicting a horse head. On the Horse Character Sheet the horse's stats of Strength, Speed, Discipline, and Endurance can be found together with the level and current equipment. The level does not indicate the horse's level, but rather which level the character needs to be at to be able to purchase it. As for the player character equipment, the horse's equipment can be exchanged by clicking on the unequipped item and placing it on top of the currently equipped and clicking again.

A Horse's stats are colored in both green and orange, green indicates the current experience and the orange shows the potential experience the horse can reach by training. The Strength determines how fast the horse can run with a full inventory and Speed determines how quickly the horse is able to run. Discipline determines how quickly the horse is able to speed up or slow down, while Endurance determines how long the horse is able to maintain high speeds. They can never be increased above their maximum.

NPC Characters, Quests & Races

The shortenings explained within the rewards:

  • XP stands for experience points.
  • SP stands for stable points, the games currency.
  • Strength/Speed/Discipline/Endurance is the horse's ability that improves. There can be more than one ability that improves.


Alex has a cross-country race and introduces the player to apples.

Quest XP SP
Apples 20
Races XP SP Strength Speed
Across Sticks and Stones 75 Increases Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Bronze Medal 100 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Silver Medal 155 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Gold Medal 200 Increases
Jorvik Cross-Country Training Increases


Barbara is the veterinary found at the Jorvik Stables.

Quest XP SP
Missing Instruments 150
Healthy Puppy 100 25


Barnabus takes care of the Mill near Valedale.

Quest XP SP
From Hearth to Hearth 250
Checking Things Out 100
Flour Delivery 150
Flower Girl 75 25
A Sweetheart’s Gift 50
Bitter Rivals 25


Beatrice gives the player the starter helmet, pants, and boots. She can be found standing beside Herman at the Jorvik Stables.

Bob the Farrier

Bob the Farrier works in Hillcrest.

Quest XP SP
Blue Sky Mining 50 50
Lover’s Luck 25
Rivalry 50


Bright is the light-keeper of the Jorvik Lighthouse that needs to be woken up by the player through the quest "Sleeping On The Job" by Langoustini.

Camilla Turnstone

Camilla Turnstone is the veterinary found in Hillcrest who introduces the player to the three grasses the player can find around Jorvik.

Quest XP SP
Timothy Grass 25 15
Orchard Grass 25 25
Fescue Grass 25 35
Searching, Searching 50 50
Medicine Woman 75 30
Life in a Bottle 50 25


Charlotte is the warden of the Valedale Stables. She offers one race that the player can participate once, which is described as a way to become part of the village.

Quest XP SP
Mineral Spring Water 150 75
Horseshoe Run 50
A New Career Opportunity 50
Races XP SP Speed
Bridge Race 150 Increases

George Goodlife

George Goodlife is the farmer found at the Granary.

Quest XP SP
The Grain, the Grain 150 50


Georgina is the stable warden of Firgrove Village.

Quest XP SP
Thorn in Your Side 300
Wall of Thorns 1000
Crying Wolf 600
A New Challenger? 150
Shrimp Cage Delivery 750


Guardian is the light-keeper of the Twin Island Lighthouse and offers the player endurance training.

Races XP SP Speed Endurance
Lighthouse Lightning 100 Increases Increases
Lighthouse Race Bronze Medal Increases Increases
Lighthouse Race Silver Medal 100 Increases Increases
Lighthouse Race Gold Medal 150 Increases Increases
Lighthouse Race Training 200 Increases Increases


Herman is the character the game first introduces and is found at the Jorvik Stable.

Quest XP SP
Welcome to Jorvik Stables 15
Outfitting 15
Good night! Sleep tight! 15
Brush 10
Food is Good 10
Quench Your Horse’s Thirst 10
Other Horse’s Manure 10 20
On Horseback! 10
To greater heights! 10
Up the Hill 20
The Mail Deliverer 25 20
Free like an … 25
Ready When You Are 450
Back to Jorvik!
The Claymore Challenge!
Races XP SP Discipline Endurance Speed Strength
Time to Ride! 10 Increases
General Riding Bronze Medal 50 Increases
General Riding Silver Medal 100 Increases
General Riding Gold Medal 150 Increases
General Riding Training Increases
Claymore Endurance Challenge Increases Increases
Claymore Cross-Country Challenge Increases Increases


James is a kid that stands by a large tree with a bird house on it by the road to Firgrove Village.

Quest XP SP
Putting the Bird Back 750


Jameson is the shopkeeper of Firgrove Village.

Quest XP SP
Where Are My Shrimp? 250
Shrimp Shortage 250


Jessica trains the player in Cross-country in Firgrove.

Quest XP SP
Little Bird 450
Ride for Life 650
Races XP SP Strength Discipline
Firgrove Cross-Country 500 Increases Increases
Firgrove Cross-Country Bronze Medal 150 Increases
Firgrove Cross-Country Silver Medal 300 Increases
Firgrove Cross-Country Gold Medal 450 Increases
Firgrove Cross-Country Training Increases


Kevin can be found near Mrs. Masterton's house by the river.

Quest XP SP
The Lost Puppy 75
Wounded Paw 75


Langoustini is the shrimp fisher found by the river.

Quest XP SP
Shrimp Collectors 300
Shrimp Feast 350 65
Night Vandals 450 45
Repairing the Cages 450
Place the Cages 750 150
Sleeping On The Job 750


Linda can be found on the island near the Jorvik Stables and introduces the player to jumping and carrots.

Quest XP SP
Wings of Wood 10
Higher and Higher 25 10
Finding Shelter 25
Races XP SP Strength Discipline
Up, Up and Across 75 Increases Increases
Jumping Bronze Medal 50 Increases
Jumping Silver Medal 100 Increases
Jumping Gold Medal 150 Increases
Jumping Training Increases


Lisa trains the player in endurance by the Old Windmill and introduces them to turnips.

Quest XP SP
Longer and Faster 25 15
Master of Mixtures 20
Races XP SP Speed Edurance
Through the Wind 75 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Bronze Medal 50 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Silver Medal 100 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Gold Medal 100 Increases Increases
Windmill Endurance Training Increases Increases


Martin is the shopkeeper of Firgrove.

Quest XP SP
A Hole in the Pocket 150 190
Picking Flax 250 150
Returning Someone Else’s Favor 50
Horse Money Transfer 200 150


Monica is the stable warden of Hillcrest.

Quest XP SP
The Lost Broom 40 40
The Hay Bales 50 75
The Lost Horse 150 150
Lightning the Way 75 50
Back to Order 250 45


Mornington is a light-keeper of the South Isle Lighthouse.

Quest XP SP
Adrift 150

Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson takes care of the forest east of the Valedale forest.

Quest XP SP
Picking Up the Trash 150 50
Wolves at Bay 300 65
Wolf Run 500
Races XP SP Speed Discipline
Like the Wind 100 Increases Increases
Steeplechase Bronze Medal Increases
Steeplechase Silver Medal 125 Increases
Steeplechase Gold Medal 250 Increases
Steeplechase Training Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Mrs. Masterton

Mrs. Masterton is the lady living at the River House.

Quest XP SP
Stacking Up 50 25
Meet Mr. Barnabus 15
Happy Puppy? 150


Thorsson resides on the road to Hillcrest from the Jorvik Stables and teaches the player about shelters found in nature.

Quest XP SP
The Sheltering Sky 25


Jorvik Stables

Jorvik Stables is the place where the player starts at when beginning a new game. Here, Herman introduces the player to the game, teaching how to take care of the horses and how to ride. Through the introduction, the stable chores unlocks, which can be done to earn SP. SP can then later be used e.g. at the stable for purchasing a new horse. These chores can be done repeatably throughout the day unlimited.

Outside Jorvik Stables at the southern gate is an island with a paddock where Linda teaches the player Jumping exercises.

There is also a shop at Jorvik Stables. This shop offer horse feed and different types of equipment in exchange for SP. More information of Jorvik Stables can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Jorvik Stables:

  • Beatrice - Helps Herman at Jorvik Stables.
  • Barbara - A veterinarian stationed in Jorvik Stables.
  • Herman - The stable warden of Jorvik Stables.
  • Linda - Riding Instructor at the paddock outside Jorvik Stables on the island.


Hillcrest is a village on top of a mountain that houses a stable and a shop, with both horses and different equipment available for purchase with SP. Here, the player is introduced to different types of grass by Camilla Turnstone, which can be used as horse feed and found throughout Jorvik. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

More information about Hillcrest can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Hillcrest:

  • Bob - The village farrier.
  • Camilla Turnstone - A pharmacist.
  • Monica - The stable warden of Hillcrest Stable


Valedale is at the northern beginning of the river going through Jorvik in the middle of the map. Here, there is a village with a stable and shop in the middle and a cross-country track in the forest nearby. The stable have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

The shop in the village is managed by Martin and offers different types of equipment for the player and their horse, as well as horse feed. More information about Valedale can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Valedale:

  • Charlotte - Stable warden of Valedale Stable
  • Martin - Shopkeeper of Valedale shop.
  • Mr. Anderson - Riding Instructor and Environmentalist in Valedale Forest.


Firgrove is a village surrounded by a wall with three gates. Inside, there is a stable and shop, managed by Georgina and Jameson, respectively. The stable have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

Outside the walls surrounding the village can Jessica and her cross-country track be found. Here, Jessica prepares the player for the Claymore Challenge. A bit further down the road from the cross-country track, James can be found in need of help with a baby bird.

Next to the stable can the shop be found, with equipment and feed available for purchase. More information about Firgrove can be found at their page, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Firgrove:

  • Georgina - Stable warden of Firgrove Stables.
  • James - Villager by the road in Firgrove.
  • Jameson - Shopkeeper in Firgrove Village.
  • Jessica - Riding Instructor at Firgrove cross-country track.

Misc. Items

Forageable items

In the Autumn Rider, the player is able to find different forageable items throughout the map which are listed below:
Price Hunger Strength Speed Discipline Endurance Time (min)
Apple 5 +10 +10 0.58
Carrots 15 +15 +20 2.58
Turnips 10 +15 +20 0.28
Timothy Grass 8 +15 +20
Orchard Grass 8 +25
Fescue Grass 8 +20 1.58

The Jorvik Games
Starshine Legacy: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Star Academy: Audition!Showtime!Breakthrough!Starstruck!
Star Stable: The Autumn RiderThe Winter RiderThe Spring RiderThe Summer Rider
MMORPG: Star Stable Online