Star Stable: The Winter Rider

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Star Stable: The Winter Rider

The Winter Rider is the second game in the series of Star Stable.

!NOTE! This game is separate from Star Stable Online. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded.


Winter Rider

Star Stable: The Winter Rider has it's focus on jumping competitions taking place both outdoors and indoors in the Valley during winter. The player can explore Meander, Cape Point and Pine Hill with new and reoccurring characters from earlier games. Pine Hill Stables has secured a place in the Decker Horse Show, which is the final competition of the game, that the player competes for, and if securing a spot, is able to participate in.

Introduction on the Game Keep Case


The slowly falling snow drapes the landscape in a white veil, hides the bareness of the trees that long ago lost their leaves, and gives the land a sense of serenity.

The world is quiet.

Most singing birds have long since migrated to warmer places and animals small and large have gone into hiding, shielding themselves from the cold.

But in the valley, winter doesn’t stop people from going on with their lives. The stables still need to be mucked out, the horses still need to be groomed and fed, and the trails, paddocks and indoor riding rings are filled with happy people, enjoying life in the saddle.

Riders are getting reading for the Decker Horse Show - the most prestigious show jumping competition in the country.

Only a few riders from the finest stables in the country are selected to compete in the finals each year, and this year, Pine Hill Stables has secured a place.

Now they only need to find a champion.

Could that champion be you?"

Introduction in the Game


The slowly falling snow drapes the landscape in a white veil. It hides the nakedness of the trees that have long since lost their leaves, and gives it a sense of serenity.

The world is quiet.

The singing birds have long since migrated to warmer places and most animals - small and - large - have gone into hiding for the winter, shielding themselves from the cold.

But in the Valley, the winter doesn’t stop people from going on with their lives. The stables still need mucking out, the horses still need grooming and feeding, and the trails, paddocks and riding rings are full of happy people, enjoying life in the saddle.

People are getting ready for the Decker Horse Show. The most prestigious show jumping competition in the world.

Only a few riders from the finest stables in the world are selected to compete in the finals each year. And this year, Pine Hill Stables has secured a place in the finals.

Now they only need to find a champion.

Could that champion be you?"


The map of the Star Stable: The Winter Rider. The accessible area is the colored part of the map and the inaccessible is in grey.

The map in the Star Stable games is the same with different areas unlocked, the accessible area is colored whereas the inaccessible is in grey. In Star Stable: The Winter Rider the part of the map accessible is in the middle, with a river going through it. The map displays where character quests, items and checkpoints can be found. There are named places that can be found throughout the accessible map, each giving the player a star and 50 XP.


  • Yellow dot - Character with a quest to give
  • Grey dot - Character with a quest that hasn't been completed yet
  • Green dot - Character with a quest for which the conditions are fulfilled
  • Blue dot - Character with a repeatable quest
  • Orange dots - Quest items
  • Red dots - Quest items related to the quest currently selected in the quest log
  • White dots - Checkpoints
  • Purple dots - Save Points


The stars numbered from left to right according to the place they represent:

  1. Meander Stables
  2. Meander Village
  3. Meander Jumping Ring
  4. Cape Point Stables
  5. Cape Point Village
  6. Cape Point Riding House
  7. Anvil Bay Riding House
  8. Secret Grove
  9. Pine Hill Stables
  10. Meadow Valley
  11. Pine Hill Village
  12. Pine Hill Mansion
  13. Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring
  14. Mercury Lake

Character Sheets

The Player's Character Sheet

To access the Character Sheet clicking on the icon with a human upper body on the left side of the icon with a horse head on it will open the sheet. The Character Sheet presents the current player level (highest level being 11), Experience Points (XP), Stable Points (SP), Skill Points, and the player's equipment. For the player to level up, XP needs to be earned through various quests and races by interacting with different NPCs in the world. SP is the currency of the game and can be earned by doing stable chores. In the earlier game Star Stable: The Autumn Rider, SP could be earned by both chores and different quests, whereas in this installation there is only one quest that rewards the player with SP, which is "Sealed Shut" by Jacques in Cape Point Village. New equipment can be bought with SP from the three different stores in the different villages and to change equipment, drag or click the new item on top of the old equipment displayed on the Character Sheet.

The Character Sheet also displays the four different skills that the player can increase with Skill Points. Skill Points are rewarded every time the player levels up. The four skills that the player as are: Jumping, Riding, Command, and Caring. Jumping makes the player better at clearing obstacles and Riding enables the player to push the horse faster and longer, Command increases how quickly the horse change between gaits, and Caring makes the player faster at taking care of the horse. The final amount of Skill Points that can be earned is 240, and one skill can be maxed out with 100. For each level, the rewarded Skill Points are ...

  • level 2: 40 Skill Points.
  • level 3 - 6: 30 Skill Points.
  • level 7 - 9: 20 Skill Points.
  • level 10 - 11: 10 Skill Points.

Horse Character Sheet

To access the Horse Character Sheet clicking on the icon with the horse head on the right of the player Character Sheet with the human upper body will open the sheet. All horses in the game has four different attributes, Strength, Endurance, Speed, and Discipline which are found on the Horse Character Sheet together with the equipment and level. The level indicates what level the player needs to be at minimum to be able to purchase the horse. To exchange the equipment, clicking/dragging the new item on top of the old one will replace it.

The four attributes of the horses are static, they cannot increase above the maximum value. However, the orange colored is the potential the horse can reach by doing different races throughout the world and the green symbolizes the current value of the attribute. The attribute Strength determines how high the horse can jump, Endurance determines how long it can run at a certain speed, Speed determines how fast it can run, and Discipline determines how quickly the horse changes gait.

NPC Characters, Quests & Races


Alex holds the Frostbite Race and introduces the player to Mr. Gilligan at the Pine Hill Stables.

Quest XP SP
Hay there! 300
Stepping Up 500
Race XP SP Endurance
Frostbite Race 1 000 Increases
Frostbite Race Bronze Medal 400 Increases
Frostbite Race Silver Medal 500 Increases
Frostbite Race Gold Medal 600 Increases
Frostbite Race Training Increases


Antoine is the shopkeeper at Meander Village.

Quest XP SP
Into the Wild 100
Rodent Extermination 350
Warming Up 300
Gourmet Delivery 750
Chasing Cheese 200


Buck can be found next to Jessica at Meander Jumping Ring. He has no speaking lines nor quests.

Eric Lowe

Eric Lowe is the stable owner and manager of Meander Stables.

Quest XP SP
Brush and Bucket 50
Doing Chores 60
I Can Ride! 50
Shopping! 50
In from the Cold 100
Trap Them! 500
No Cheese, No Catch 200
Placing the Bait 700
Many Smelly Thanks 750
Race XP SP Discipline
Along the Winter Trail 80 Increases
Meander Trail Bronze Medal 100 Increases
Meander Trail Silver Medal 150 Increases
Meander Trail Gold Medal 200 Increases
Meander Trail Training Increases

Henrietta Rein

Henrietta Rein is the stable owner of Cape Point Stables.

Quest XP SP
Information Highway 100
Rodent Race 150
Go Faster! 150
Rodent Alert! 200
Six is the magic number 300
Starvation Salvation 150
Sleeping with the Fishes? 100

Henry Stevenson

Henry Stevenson holds the Faults Converted race in the Anvil Bay Riding House.

Quest XP SP
Winter Inside 300
Up for a Cup? 300
A Recommendation 200
Race XP SP Strength
Faults Converted at Anvil Bay 500 Increases
Faults Converted Bronze 350 Increases
Faults Converted Silver 450 Increases
Faults Converted Gold 550 Increases
Faults Converted Training Increases


The Hermit can be found on top of the mountain near Cape Point Village where they hold the Secret Grove Race.

Race XP SP Discipline Endurance
Secret Grove Race 500 Increases Increases
Secret Grove Race Bronze 350 Increases Increases
Secret Grove Race Silver 450 Increases Increases
Secret Grove Race Gold 550 Increases Increases
Secret Grove Race Training Increases Increases


Jacques is the shopkeeper of Cape Point Village.

Quest XP SP
Oh Hole, Where Art Thou? 100
Sealed Shut 150 50
Where’s My Holiday Card? 100
Hungry Birds? 150
Food for birds 200
Feed the Birds! 350
The Cheese Master 200
Hold the Line 100


Jessica holds the Meander Jumping at the Meander Jumping Ring.

Quest XP SP
Have you! 100
Race XP SP Strength
Over the Bar 100 Increases
Meander Jumping Bronze Medal 150 Increases
Meander Jumping Silver Medal 200 Increases
Meander Jumping Gold Medal 250 Increases
Meander Jumping Training Increases


Kate holds the Six Bar.

Quest XP SP
A Mysterious Man 300
Race XP SP Strength
Six Bar 500 Increases
Six Bar Bronze Medal 250 Increases
Six Bar Silver Medal 450 Increases
Six Bar Gold Medal 550 Increases
Six Bar Training Increases


Kevin can be found in Meander Village where they need the help of the player to finish their snowman.

Quest XP SP
Mr. Frosty’s Nose 100
See No Evil 150


Linda hold the Cape Point Junior Grand Prix at the Cape Point Riding House.

Race XP SP Strength
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix 200 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Bronze Medal 250 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Silver Medal 300 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Gold Medal 350 Increases
Cape Point Junior Grand Prix Training Increases


Lisa holds the Cape Point Winter Race on the road between Meander Village and Cape Point Village.

Race XP SP Speed
Cape Point Winter Race 150 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Bronze 300 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Silver 400 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Gold 500 Increases
Cape Point Winter Race Training Increases

Mr. Gilligan

Mr. Gilligan is the Human Resources Director of the Pine Hill Stables.

Quest XP SP
To the Top 700
Passing the Test 900

Mr. K. Trout

Mr. K. Trout is the fisherman at Mercury Lake.

Quest XP SP
Boys will be … 100
Fishy Business 150
Fish Feast 200

Mr. Peebles

Mr. Peebles holds the Pine Hill Grand Prix at the Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring.

Race XP SP Strength
Pine Hill Grand Prix 1800 Increases
Pine Hill Grand Prix Bronze 1000 Increases
Pine Hill Grand Prix Silver 1500 Increases
Pine Hill Grand Prix Gold 2000 Increases
Pine Hill Grand Prix Training Increases

Mr. Sands

Mr. Sands can be found at the Pine Hill Mansion and holds the Pine Hill Race. Mr. Sands also determines the person able to compete in the Decker Horse Show and follows with the player to the competition.

Quest XP SP
Reporting for Duty 1100
To the Decker Horse Show! 200
Giving Up!
Taking on the Challenge
Race XP SP Speed Strength Discipline
Pine Hill Race 1200 Increases
Pine Hill Race Bronze 600 Increases
Pine Hill Race Silver 900 Increases
Pine Hill Race Gold 1200 Increases
Pine Hill Race Training Increases
Decker Grand Prix First Jumping 1000 Increases Increases
Decker Grand Prix Second Round 2000 Increases Increases
Decker Grand Prix Final Jumping 3000 Increases Increases


Sabine is at the Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring. They hold the spot for the Decker Horse Show and their race Fight for Decker needs to be won for the player to be able to participate in the competition.

Race XP SP
Fight for Decker 1000



When starting a new game, the player starts in front of Meander Stables with Eric Lowe giving an introduction to the game. He teaches the player how to care for the horse as well as how to ride, he also introduces the player to other characters in the game to continue with. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens. There is also a paddock at the stable, the Meander Jumping Ring with Jessica as a riding instructor on Jumping competitions.

The village across the river, Meander Village, has Antoine as the shopkeeper who teaches the player how to use the shop for purchasing equipment and feed for the horse with SP. More information of Meander Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Meander:

  • Antoine - Shopkeeper in Meander Village.
  • Buck - Non-speaking villager at Meander Jumping Ring.
  • Eric Lowe - Stable warden of Meander Stables.
  • Jessica - Riding Instructor at Meander Jumping Ring.
  • Kevin - Villager in Meander Village.

Cape Point

Cape Point is the location at the west of the map at the river and meets the sea. At the stable Henrietta Rein wants some help taking care of her stable. She introduces the player to other characters such as Lisa and Kate to further the training. The stables have chores the player can do repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable. These can be unlocked through the stable wardens.

There is also a riding house, Cape Point Riding House, which is managed by Linda. She teaches the player more advanced jumping exercises than Jessica at the Meander Jumping Ring.

The Cape Point Village is next to the stable, further west, and has a shop with Jacques as the shopkeeper. There are both feed and different types of equipment available at the shop, which can be purchased with SP. More information of Cape Point Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Cape Point:

  • Henrietta Rein - Stable warden of Cape Point Stables.
  • Jacques - Shopkeeper of Cape Point Village.
  • Linda - Riding Instructor at Cape Point Riding House.

Pine Hill

Pine Hill has three locations, the Mansion, Stable, Indoor Riding Ring and Village. Mr. Sands resides and own Pine Hill Mansion, he is also the owner of the Stable and Indoor Riding Ring. His goons can be found throughout Pine Hill. Mr. Sands has procured the spot for the Decker Horse Show and requires the player to prove their abilities, this include completing his own race 'Pine Hill Race' at the mansion, doing chores at his stable, and completing the 'Pine Hill Grand Prix' at the Indoor Riding Ring.

After doing the chores once as a way to prove themselves at the stable for Mr. Sands, these chores are now unlocked. These chores can now be done repeatably throughout the day to earn SP, which can be used to e.g. purchase a horse at the stable.

The village is along the river on the north side with a shop managed by one of Mr. Sands goons. The shop have different types of feed and equipment available for purchase with SP. More information of Pine Hill Village and Stable can be found at their pages, listing the shop items and horses available for purchase as well as the stable chores SP rewards.

NPC:s at Pine Hill:

  • Mr. Gilligan - Human Resource Director of Pine Hill Stables.
  • Mr. Peebles - Riding Instructor at Pine Hill Indoor Riding Ring.
  • Mr. Sands - Owner of Pine Hill Mansion, Stables and Indoor Riding Ring.
  • Sabine - Candidate for the Decker Horse Show.